Nobody dreams of Gensokyo (誰も幻想郷の夢を見ない)

A story of a young man being left for dead, who finds himself in the world of Touhou, rescued and taken care of by a kitsune.

Sightseeing around Gensokyo

It's raining today, there's not much to do right now, and everyone is still asleep, in my case, I'm still in my room, with the lights off.

[Izuru] “I feel tired and sleepy, but what should I do?”

A gap materialized in front of me, and I heard a voice coming from there, it seems that Lady Yukari woke up

[Yukari] “Good morning Izuru, could you make breakfast?”

[Izuru] “Yes, my lady!”

And that was how I left my room to prepare breakfast at the kitchen, just as Lady Yukari ordered. Today we are going to drink black tea, but first I went to put the kettle on and look for the tea leaves. I put some of the leaves I found inside the kettle, which was already a little hot by that point.

Lady Yukari appeared for the second time, and told me that Ran was going to prepare the food, meanwhile I was in charge of the tea. She disappeared the same way she appeared, and went to look for Ran, who was still sleeping, then she woke up.

Ran came to the kitchen, and we greeted each other, when it comes to cuisine, hers is one of the best.

The tea is ready, I served it in the cups, and I also brought sugar with the tea spoons, because I don't see why not. I personally settle for three tablespoons of sugar; I have no idea about the others.

I put everything on the table and finished my part of the work, later, Ran finished making the food, and also put it on the table.

Lady Yukari took her side of the table, as usual, Ran and I did the same.

[Yukari] “What do we have for today?”

[Izuru] “It's black tea, and I also brought sugar for it”

[Ran] “I made fried tofu and toasts with butter as well”

The three of us went to breakfast, at least for another hour until Chen decided to wake up, although it seems that she was still half asleep, however, she had breakfast nonetheless.

After breakfast, I was waiting for some order from Lady Yukari (besides, I was already bored), but instead...

[Yukari] “If you want, you can go explore Gensokyo, for now I'm going to stay here; Ran will go to the Gensokyo border, and then I might go to Hakurei Shrine.” “When you're done, you'll find me there, is that clear?”

[Izuru] “Yes ma'am!”

I left the residence, but it was still raining, I still wasn't going to miss this opportunity, so I went sightseeing.

To be continued.

Garden of the Sun

The rain stopped after a long flight, I chose to land in the Garden of the Sun, out of curiosity Yuuka Kazami lives there, we had a conversation before, but it didn't last long.

Naturally, she saw me about to land, and prepared to attack.

[Yuuka] “Don't you dare... wait a minute, we saw each other last time”

[Izuru] “Yes, it's me, good morning”

[Yuuka] “Good morning” “You want a drink? I'm going to my mansion right now”

[Izuru] “Alright”

Right after I responded, she disappeared instantly... I was stumped for a moment, however I was already arriving at the mansion after I came back to my senses.

Fortunately I had no intention of starting a fight, first because she is extremely powerful, and second, even if I could respond to her attacks, I would get tired quickly, regardless of whether the established spell card rules were used or not.


I arrived at the mansion, Yuuka was minding her own business, until she saw me.

[Yuuka] “Come on, I don't have all day”

I decided to have a cup of tea, even though I had already had one before, in the meantime, we started chatting

[Yuuka] “Huh, at least you didn't live in the village” “Reimu doesn't forgive people there to become youkai, once upon a time, she did kill off someone who did”

[Izuru] “Who are you talking about, though?”

[Yuuka] “A fortune-teller, or something like that” “Akyuu should have already written about him”

[Izuru] “I hadn't thought of asking my master about her”

[Yuuka] “Yukari sometimes goes to the Hieda mansion to review the Gensokyo Chronicle” “You should check that out sometime”

[Izuru] “Maybe...” “I'll try to remember it for next time.”

[Yuuka] “There is something that seems strange to me about you... how can it be that you are a shikigami, when in reality you seem more like a youkai like any other?”

[Izuru] “Honestly, I don't even know it myself, but one thing I do know is that I can act like it almost as much as Ran.” “If I had ended up as a spirit without a body of my own, maybe I would have actually been a proper shikigami.” “After all, I swore to serve Lady Yukari completely of my own will.”

[Yuuka] “Even I would be surprised” “You are still very young, maybe one day we will meet in a fight.”

[Izuru] “It would be fun, wouldn't it?”

[Yuuka] “Heh, maybe (wink)”

[Izuru] “I have to go, I want to go see other places before meeting Lady Yukari”

[Yuuka] “It's a shame I can't accompany you, but maybe I'll do it next time.” “See you, Izuru”

[Izuru] “Likewise, Yuuka”

We both left the mansion, and I took off, to continue traveling. Yuuka waved in response until I disappeared.

To be continued.

Kourindou and the Human Village

I continued flying over the area, now I am above the human village, for a moment I wanted to land there but I changed my mind, and instead went to Kourindou for some reason.

Some time later, I arrived at the store and knocked on the door, half expecting someone to be inside in the first place. I ended up finding its owner, someone named Rinnosuke Morichika, a young (by Gensokyo standards, at least) half-youkai, I guess he's over a hundred years old, I think.

[Rinnosuke] “Good morning, I haven't seen you before, may I know your name?”

[Izuru] “Good morning, my name is Izuru Yakumo, nice to meet you.”

[Rinnosuke] “Aren't you related to Yukari in some way? The last name sounds eerily familiar, now that I remember”

[Izuru] “That's right, in fact, I work for her” “When I arrived in Gensokyo, I was an ordinary human being” “Her kitsune shikigami, Ran, saved my life.” “Since then, I have been grateful to them.”

[Rinnosuke] “I would like not to bother you with any more questions.”

[Izuru] “Oh, I have no problem, continue”

[Rinnosuke] “Where did you originally come from?”

[Izuru] “From the outside world, as far as they are concerned, I am already dead” “There is no risk that I will disappear from Gensokyo, my original body was moved to this realm” “Another thing, do you mind if I start looking around here?”

[Rinnosuke] “Okay, in the meantime don't break anything, I've had enough with Marisa doing it.”

I started to look at the merchandise of the place, naturally, everything comes from the outside world, of which I was already somewhat familiar. I became interested in an astronomy book that was lying around, and also in a wristwatch, I wasn't going to leave there without buying anything.

So I went to ask Rinnosuke, who was still sitting in front of his heater.

[Rinnosuke] “Oh, so you want this? If so, I'll put it in your tab.”

[Izuru] “No need, I'm going to pay them, how much are they?”

[Rinnosuke] “Oh really!?” “In that case, the book is ¥200 and the watch is ¥100” “Generally, money is not used here in Gensokyo, but I don't see why not.”

[Izuru] “Let's see... yes, here”

[Rinnosuke] “Pleasure doing business with you”

[Izuru] “See you, I have to come back as soon as possible”

[Rinnosuke] “Goodbye”

I put the book inside a hidden pocket of my uniform, and put the watch on my left hand. I thought that at this time, Lady Yukari would be at the shrine, so I decided to go there.

To be continued.

Reporting to Yukari at the shrine

I'm already arriving at the shrine, I don't know how but I managed to see Lady Yukari there, as I thought.

It's already quite late, too...


I eventually arrived and landed, waving my right hand in an attempt to signal my presence.

[Yukari] “Oh, you're back” “Hello again, Izuru”

[Izuru] “Hello, Lady Yukari!”

Reimu came quickly as soon as she found out that I arrived

[Reimu] “Greetings, Izuru!” “It's been a while! How's it going?”

[Izuru] “I was doing some sightseeing in Gensokyo, other than that, I'm fine, and you?”

[Reimu] “I have to confess, I felt pretty strange about that moment, but I'm fine.” “Don't you want to have some tea?”

[Izuru] “Sorry, I'll pass, but thank you” “I thought I would show something I got just now to Lady Yukari.”

[Yukari] “Huh? I'm interested, please come here, Izuru”

[Izuru] “No problem!”

I started looking for the book I acquired in Kourindou, and showed it to Lady Yukari.

[Yukari] “This comes from the outside world, I assume you bought it in Kourindou?” “It's been a while since I went there”

[Izuru] “That's right, it looks good doesn't it?” “I wonder where are the others now”

[Yukari] “Ran is back home, she... was a little worried that you didn't come back.”

It's half past eight at night, apparently. As usual, I was waiting for some order from my master.

[Yukari] “Can you help Reimu make dinner?”

I nodded, so I went with Reimu to the kitchen, who was reluctant (coming from Yukari, obviously), but then decided she didn't care and went along anyway.

[Reimu] “We could make sushi today, but I don't have any ideas for a sauce. Do you have any ideas, Izuru?”

[Izuru] “No, unfortunately I don't know” “Do you happen to have any soy sauce around, though?”

[Reimu] “Let's see...” “Yes I have! This is going to go well, thanks for the suggestion.”

With all the comings and goings, almost an hour has passed, time passed quickly. In the end, dinner was made, I brought the plates with three pairs of chopsticks, and Reimu brought the sauce.

Lady Yukari was still outside for some reason, but I still called her to come inside, and we enjoyed it. I still have difficulty with chopsticks, but that didn't stop me from eating this dish.

Reimu thought to bring sake, Lady Yukari and I agreed, so I went to bring the glasses and put them on the table; Reimu arrived with the bottle, having a good time together.

[Yukari] “It's pretty late, we should go home” “Do you want to come with me or are you going to fly there, Izuru?”

[Izuru] “Any option is fine, let's go”

We greeted Reimu, and I left with Lady Yukari in a gap she created, straight to the residence.

To be continued.

A cold morning

It's cold early this morning, I'm not too sure about the weather in Japan, and what makes it even stranger is that this residence is not strictly located in Gensokyo, maybe it's close, maybe it's far away, but since it's controlled by Lady Yukari, I think it should be obvious.

Or maybe not? Who knows

I still didn't want to get up, at least without dressing properly, my lady told me to go make tea like the other day, and I followed along...

[Izuru] “I wonder what kind of tea we could have today, I'm very lost”

Later, Ran got up

[Ran] “Good morning”

[Izuru] “Good morning, Ran”

I thought about making coffee instead, so I went to do exactly that; Then I decided to ask Ran about the food, but I refrained from that, and wanted to do it myself this time.

[Izuru] “Breakfast is ready!” “Today we have coffee (with sugar and milk if you want) and cookies!”

[Ran] “Doesn't that seem like a lot, Izuru? I don't think Chen can drink coffee”

[Izuru] “Thank goodness I brought the milk”

Lady Yukari arrived at the dining room and helped herself as if nothing had happened; just as I expected from my lady. We all had breakfast, and later, I did the housework; It didn't help that my room became a mess, because I got lazy, there wasn't much to do anyway, in weather like that.

To be continued.

Getting transported to the Hakurei Shrine (again)

The weather got warmer a little later, and Lady Yukari thought I could go to Hakurei Shrine; Meanwhile, I was hoping to do something else...

Even with me being a youkai now, I'm not too interested in combat if I can help it, but in a world where everything happens like this, I guess I'd have to do it at some point, that's what my training sessions with my fellow shikigami were for.

I went back to my room to change my clothes, because some time ago, I made my own version of the uniform that Ran made me that time, which, in comparison, has white as its primary color instead of black, and a shade of purple just like the other as secondary color, I also decided to sew a yin-yang symbol on the back, a rather large one; at least I didn't forget my wings.

Those practical skills were taught to me by Ran, heh. Apart from the whole family, if I can call it that, I am the only one who does not wear a hat to this day.

[Izuru] “Lady Yukari, I'm ready!”

[Yukari] ”...” “For a moment I thought it wasn't you, anyway, can you go to Hakurei Shrine? Ran will go to the Gensokyo border as usual, don't worry about me” “Of course, you have to come back at eight thirty at night, is that clear?”

[Izuru] “Yes, my lady!”

She led me straight to the shrine, in her own way, with her classical ominous smile.

To be continued.

Reminiscence under the gate

I sat under the Torii gate of the shrine, immersed in my thoughts, about my past and what I am now.

[Izuru] “I wonder why, but I find Lady Yukari like a mother figure who I once lost in my entire life, it makes me happy and sad at the same time, since I became a shikigami...” “I will not deny that shikigami are, in short, entities summoned and controlled by their masters to do anything.” “But I was, always, an exceptional case, as she told me.” “Is she... really worried about me? I wouldn't believe it, coming from a youkai like her.” “Maybe yes, maybe no, and that will be something I will never know.” “In some ways, I am in love with my master, if only I could have given her a hug that day, because like it or not, she played a vital role in my well-being.” “Whenever I say I'm grateful, I always mean it, sometimes filled with tears because of the sheer emotion it contains.” “As for my promise, I still keep it to this day; It's like my existence depends on it, but that's only something Lady Yukari knows, no one else, not even myself.” “As soon as I get home, I'll give her a hug, and whisper a 'thank you'...”

I said goodbye to Reimu and Marisa, and returned home. The clock says it's almost half past eight, so I was right on time, if not a little early.

[Izuru] “I'm... back home”

[Ran] “Oh, hello, Izuru.” “Are you looking for Lady Yukari?”

[Izuru] “Yes, I am...”

As soon as I said that, she appeared, and just like that, I did exactly what I wanted to do all this time.

[Yukari] “Why...? I didn't expect this from you”

[Izuru] “Thank you... I wish I could have done this on that fateful day, but now, I... I... I don't regret it”

I started crying being in that position. I don't expect it to be reciprocal, but I'll appreciate it if it is.

[Izuru] “I just want to be loved, that's all I want, no matter what else. Maybe I'm very emotional about it, but it is what it is.”

[Yukari] “You have left me speechless” “Really, you are exceptional, and I like that” “Who knows, maybe you can be as valuable as Ran”

[Izuru] “ more than enough for me, my lady...”

After such a moment, Ran made dinner and we helped ourselves to it, then we went to sleep in our rooms, and that's pretty much about it.

To be continued

Talking with Ran

Today was a day without any notable events, just reading the book I bought the other time in Kourindou. I learned how to hide my wings, but without making any physical effort, instead, I can magically dematerialize them. At this point I can fly without them now.

I have yet to find out what Lady Yukari is up to, but that doesn't really interest me. It's already night, we're all at home, I think, so I left my room and went to my coworker's room, Ran. iI have intentions of talking to her, for no particular reason.

I decided to knock on the door of her room before, I'm not going to enter without asking permission.

[Ran] “Are you, Izuru?” “If so, you can pass”

[Izuru] “Okay, I got it.”

An awkward silence took place inside the room, as if I were inside a gap, for at least a minute.

[Ran] “About yesterday, even I was surprised, I didn't even know what to feel, at all.” “Did you really want to do it, Izuru?”

[Izuru] “Yes, really” “I guess that's what I get for remembering about the past, even if it's been almost two months.” “I was practically nothing but a mere mortal my entire life, in a world where there are very few people who have empathy for others.” “It's almost like you came straight from the heavens to save this poor soul, to be honest...”

[Ran] “I think that partly explains why you decided to be a youkai, I mean, I was there with Lady Yukari and Chen that night.”

[Izuru] “That doesn't end there, I didn't feel good being a human being, living with people like you, and also because I wanted to reject my humanity.” “I never expected to become a youkai on the first try, seriously, part of me thought I might have ended up as a ghost instead or something.”

[Ran] “Against all odds, you were reborn just like the phoenix, in the literal sense of the word, even” “I originally came from Hell when Lady Yukari made me who I am, centuries ago.” “How old are you, anyway?”

[Izuru] “Including my previous life, around 20 years old, although I don't remember my birthday”

[Ran] “Ah, almost like Reimu, although she is older than you, or even Marisa, for that reason”

[Izuru] “Something like that”

Our conversation was abruptly interrupted by Lady Yukari, who was wondering where I was.

[Izuru] “It's something the matter, my lady?”

[Yukari] “Oh, you are here; It's nothing, for now. I saw you were talking to Ran...” “Okay, I'll leave then”

And she disappeared again, what a mysterious woman, thank goodness I'm used to this happening after some time.

[Izuru] “I bet she heard everything we said”

[Ran] “She always does it, don't underestimate her” “It's time for dinner now, do you want something to eat?”

[Izuru] “I'm not hungry so I'll have to pass” “But thanks, Ran” “I guess I will go to sleep now instead”

[Ran] “Good night, Izuru”

[Izuru] “Likewise”

I went back to my room and went to sleep; Ran went to make dinner, eventually everyone ate, and that was it, I guess?

To be continued

A portal from darkness to light

The sinister voice of Lady Yukari was heard within the space-time void in which I was and told me...

[Yukari] “You've already arrived at the Hakurei Shrine, remember what I said, Izuru, you already know what to do...”

[Izuru] “Understood, my lady. See you later”

[Yukari] “See you”

As soon as we exchanged words, the gap was opened and I emerged towards the shrine. It turns out that Marisa was also there, and therefore, she was the first to notice my presence.

[Marisa] “Yo, Izuru!” “Reimu, look who just arrived!”

[Reimu] “Hi, Izuru!” “How are you doing?”

[Izuru] “Hello, Marisa and Reimu!” “Good and you?”

[Marisa] “I'm fine! Breaking out a new uniform, eh?”

[Reimu] “I'm fine, thanks.” “You actually look different, was that Yukari's idea?”

[Izuru] “I made this one; Ran taught me how to do it the other day, and no, even Lady Yukari was surprised about it.”

[Marisa] “New to me, surely Reimu thinks the same right?”

[Reimu] “Hey! Speak for yourself!” “It looks pretty good” “So, why did you come here anyway? Is there nothing to do there?”

[Izuru] “More or less, I did all the housework after breakfast, and then this happened...” “I'm going to be here until eight thirty at night, if I come back later Lady Yukari is going to scold me.” “I guess while I'm with you two, I was thinking of going to bother Rinnosuke like you do, heh”

[Marisa] “Is Kourin still there? He never changes”

[Reimu] “Do you think that's a good idea?” “What if Yukari notices?”

[Izuru] “I don't know....” “Anyway, are there going to be more visitors today?”

[Reimu] “There are always, but you almost never come”

[Marisa] “I can't blame him, he seems to be a workaholic, just like one particular judge in Higan”

[Izuru] “Is she who I think she is?”

[Reimu] “Exactly, her name is Eiki Shiki” “Good intuition, Izuru”

[Izuru] “I have the feeling that I will eventually be wanted for my actions” “Although it is still too early for that to happen, apart from my work I practically do nothing else”

[Marisa] “Yeah....”

We were talking for a long time, when I looked at my watch I didn't even realize that it was already so late!

Only one hour left...

It's already night, and it's raining again, I don't think I'm going to bother trying to understand the weather now, it's a lot to think about.

To be continued

Unexpected snowing in the Yakumo residence

Another day without any particular event, apart from work at home and everything that comes with that, however, a while later the relative peace of the residence was broken.

Lady Yukari called Ran and I, I wonder what's going on right now?

[Yukari] “Izuru! Ran!”

[Ran] “Lady Yukari!”

[Izuru] “My lady! What happened?”

[Yukari] “Look outside”

Suddenly it started snowing, I don't know how it happened, and I don't know how to explain it. Why do I feel like something is wrong with the seasons again?

[Izuru] “...” “Is it winter already?”

[Yukari] “No, this is something else” “A similar event happened some time ago, in which Okina took part”

[Ran] “I hope it's not that....” “How can it be that someone else has reached this place, if only the 4 of us can get in and out of it?”

[Izuru] “No idea, I think we could enjoy the moment, right?”

[Yukari] “Good idea!” “I usually sleep on days like these”

[Izuru] “In that case, excuse me, I'll go get my gloves and my hat!”

[Ran] “Then I'll go get my scarf!”

Shortly after I did my part, I left the house, I couldn't believe it. Fortunately, no one managed to get here, thank goodness.


Later, Ran caught up with me, Lady Yukari and Chen also came.

[Yukari] “This doesn't look bad at all!”

[Ran] “It's wonderful!”

[Izuru] “Ran, you beat me to it”

I think this was the only time I wanted to wear a hat, the one I'm wearing now has the same color pattern as my second uniform, but the gloves have the pattern of the first uniform. The scarf Ran wears is light brown; Chen for her part is wearing green gloves and red boots Lady Yukari just wears her work uniform (so to speak) on days like these, heh


Until now we were enjoying the day and the snow, however, I started to feel strange

[Izuru] “It's the white flame from before... what does it mean?”

[Yukari] ”...”

[Izuru] “Wait... I can control it!”

I shake my arm (in which the white flame is located) around me and the snow in my area of effect melts. It seems that I was finally able to awaken my own power

[Yukari] “I did not see that coming”

[Ran] “What is that, Izuru?”

[Izuru] “That's what I want to know” “But if I can do this now, maybe it will work in other climates too”

[Yukari] “What do you mean by that, Izuru?”

[Izuru] “Lady Yukari, that perhaps I have awakened a new ability; one that can counter an element with its immediate weakness” “But I can't do much with it, yet...”

[Ran] “I guess you can turn it off at will, right?”

[Izuru] “...” “Yeah! I can!” “Maybe, just maybe, when I can eventually fully control it, it will be even more than it already is.”

[Ran] “You have the potential to be a magician” “If you can now hide your wings, and now this...”

[Yukari] “I am again, speechless” “As soon as you can master it, Izuru, you should try making your own spell cards” “I'm very happy to see you like this”

[Izuru] “Lady Yukari, I will always be here to serve you.”

Later, we returned inside the house, already at night, and had dinner, almost as if nothing had happened. My new skill, who knows, may have to do with boundaries, in a way...

To be continued