Episode 14

Reporting to Yukari at the shrine

I'm already arriving at the shrine, I don't know how but I managed to see Lady Yukari there, as I thought.

It's already quite late, too...


I eventually arrived and landed, waving my right hand in an attempt to signal my presence.

[Yukari] “Oh, you're back” “Hello again, Izuru”

[Izuru] “Hello, Lady Yukari!”

Reimu came quickly as soon as she found out that I arrived

[Reimu] “Greetings, Izuru!” “It's been a while! How's it going?”

[Izuru] “I was doing some sightseeing in Gensokyo, other than that, I'm fine, and you?”

[Reimu] “I have to confess, I felt pretty strange about that moment, but I'm fine.” “Don't you want to have some tea?”

[Izuru] “Sorry, I'll pass, but thank you” “I thought I would show something I got just now to Lady Yukari.”

[Yukari] “Huh? I'm interested, please come here, Izuru”

[Izuru] “No problem!”

I started looking for the book I acquired in Kourindou, and showed it to Lady Yukari.

[Yukari] “This comes from the outside world, I assume you bought it in Kourindou?” “It's been a while since I went there”

[Izuru] “That's right, it looks good doesn't it?” “I wonder where are the others now”

[Yukari] “Ran is back home, she... was a little worried that you didn't come back.”

It's half past eight at night, apparently. As usual, I was waiting for some order from my master.

[Yukari] “Can you help Reimu make dinner?”

I nodded, so I went with Reimu to the kitchen, who was reluctant (coming from Yukari, obviously), but then decided she didn't care and went along anyway.

[Reimu] “We could make sushi today, but I don't have any ideas for a sauce. Do you have any ideas, Izuru?”

[Izuru] “No, unfortunately I don't know” “Do you happen to have any soy sauce around, though?”

[Reimu] “Let's see...” “Yes I have! This is going to go well, thanks for the suggestion.”

With all the comings and goings, almost an hour has passed, time passed quickly. In the end, dinner was made, I brought the plates with three pairs of chopsticks, and Reimu brought the sauce.

Lady Yukari was still outside for some reason, but I still called her to come inside, and we enjoyed it. I still have difficulty with chopsticks, but that didn't stop me from eating this dish.

Reimu thought to bring sake, Lady Yukari and I agreed, so I went to bring the glasses and put them on the table; Reimu arrived with the bottle, having a good time together.

[Yukari] “It's pretty late, we should go home” “Do you want to come with me or are you going to fly there, Izuru?”

[Izuru] “Any option is fine, let's go”

We greeted Reimu, and I left with Lady Yukari in a gap she created, straight to the residence.

To be continued.