Episode 16

Getting transported to the Hakurei Shrine (again)

The weather got warmer a little later, and Lady Yukari thought I could go to Hakurei Shrine; Meanwhile, I was hoping to do something else...

Even with me being a youkai now, I'm not too interested in combat if I can help it, but in a world where everything happens like this, I guess I'd have to do it at some point, that's what my training sessions with my fellow shikigami were for.

I went back to my room to change my clothes, because some time ago, I made my own version of the uniform that Ran made me that time, which, in comparison, has white as its primary color instead of black, and a shade of purple just like the other as secondary color, I also decided to sew a yin-yang symbol on the back, a rather large one; at least I didn't forget my wings.

Those practical skills were taught to me by Ran, heh. Apart from the whole family, if I can call it that, I am the only one who does not wear a hat to this day.

[Izuru] “Lady Yukari, I'm ready!”

[Yukari] ”...” “For a moment I thought it wasn't you, anyway, can you go to Hakurei Shrine? Ran will go to the Gensokyo border as usual, don't worry about me” “Of course, you have to come back at eight thirty at night, is that clear?”

[Izuru] “Yes, my lady!”

She led me straight to the shrine, in her own way, with her classical ominous smile.

To be continued.