Episode 20

Unexpected snowing in the Yakumo residence

Another day without any particular event, apart from work at home and everything that comes with that, however, a while later the relative peace of the residence was broken.

Lady Yukari called Ran and I, I wonder what's going on right now?

[Yukari] “Izuru! Ran!”

[Ran] “Lady Yukari!”

[Izuru] “My lady! What happened?”

[Yukari] “Look outside”

Suddenly it started snowing, I don't know how it happened, and I don't know how to explain it. Why do I feel like something is wrong with the seasons again?

[Izuru] “...” “Is it winter already?”

[Yukari] “No, this is something else” “A similar event happened some time ago, in which Okina took part”

[Ran] “I hope it's not that....” “How can it be that someone else has reached this place, if only the 4 of us can get in and out of it?”

[Izuru] “No idea, I think we could enjoy the moment, right?”

[Yukari] “Good idea!” “I usually sleep on days like these”

[Izuru] “In that case, excuse me, I'll go get my gloves and my hat!”

[Ran] “Then I'll go get my scarf!”

Shortly after I did my part, I left the house, I couldn't believe it. Fortunately, no one managed to get here, thank goodness.


Later, Ran caught up with me, Lady Yukari and Chen also came.

[Yukari] “This doesn't look bad at all!”

[Ran] “It's wonderful!”

[Izuru] “Ran, you beat me to it”

I think this was the only time I wanted to wear a hat, the one I'm wearing now has the same color pattern as my second uniform, but the gloves have the pattern of the first uniform. The scarf Ran wears is light brown; Chen for her part is wearing green gloves and red boots Lady Yukari just wears her work uniform (so to speak) on days like these, heh


Until now we were enjoying the day and the snow, however, I started to feel strange

[Izuru] “It's the white flame from before... what does it mean?”

[Yukari] ”...”

[Izuru] “Wait... I can control it!”

I shake my arm (in which the white flame is located) around me and the snow in my area of effect melts. It seems that I was finally able to awaken my own power

[Yukari] “I did not see that coming”

[Ran] “What is that, Izuru?”

[Izuru] “That's what I want to know” “But if I can do this now, maybe it will work in other climates too”

[Yukari] “What do you mean by that, Izuru?”

[Izuru] “Lady Yukari, that perhaps I have awakened a new ability; one that can counter an element with its immediate weakness” “But I can't do much with it, yet...”

[Ran] “I guess you can turn it off at will, right?”

[Izuru] “...” “Yeah! I can!” “Maybe, just maybe, when I can eventually fully control it, it will be even more than it already is.”

[Ran] “You have the potential to be a magician” “If you can now hide your wings, and now this...”

[Yukari] “I am again, speechless” “As soon as you can master it, Izuru, you should try making your own spell cards” “I'm very happy to see you like this”

[Izuru] “Lady Yukari, I will always be here to serve you.”

Later, we returned inside the house, already at night, and had dinner, almost as if nothing had happened. My new skill, who knows, may have to do with boundaries, in a way...

To be continued