Episode 13

Kourindou and the Human Village

I continued flying over the area, now I am above the human village, for a moment I wanted to land there but I changed my mind, and instead went to Kourindou for some reason.

Some time later, I arrived at the store and knocked on the door, half expecting someone to be inside in the first place. I ended up finding its owner, someone named Rinnosuke Morichika, a young (by Gensokyo standards, at least) half-youkai, I guess he's over a hundred years old, I think.

[Rinnosuke] “Good morning, I haven't seen you before, may I know your name?”

[Izuru] “Good morning, my name is Izuru Yakumo, nice to meet you.”

[Rinnosuke] “Aren't you related to Yukari in some way? The last name sounds eerily familiar, now that I remember”

[Izuru] “That's right, in fact, I work for her” “When I arrived in Gensokyo, I was an ordinary human being” “Her kitsune shikigami, Ran, saved my life.” “Since then, I have been grateful to them.”

[Rinnosuke] “I would like not to bother you with any more questions.”

[Izuru] “Oh, I have no problem, continue”

[Rinnosuke] “Where did you originally come from?”

[Izuru] “From the outside world, as far as they are concerned, I am already dead” “There is no risk that I will disappear from Gensokyo, my original body was moved to this realm” “Another thing, do you mind if I start looking around here?”

[Rinnosuke] “Okay, in the meantime don't break anything, I've had enough with Marisa doing it.”

I started to look at the merchandise of the place, naturally, everything comes from the outside world, of which I was already somewhat familiar. I became interested in an astronomy book that was lying around, and also in a wristwatch, I wasn't going to leave there without buying anything.

So I went to ask Rinnosuke, who was still sitting in front of his heater.

[Rinnosuke] “Oh, so you want this? If so, I'll put it in your tab.”

[Izuru] “No need, I'm going to pay them, how much are they?”

[Rinnosuke] “Oh really!?” “In that case, the book is ¥200 and the watch is ¥100” “Generally, money is not used here in Gensokyo, but I don't see why not.”

[Izuru] “Let's see... yes, here”

[Rinnosuke] “Pleasure doing business with you”

[Izuru] “See you, I have to come back as soon as possible”

[Rinnosuke] “Goodbye”

I put the book inside a hidden pocket of my uniform, and put the watch on my left hand. I thought that at this time, Lady Yukari would be at the shrine, so I decided to go there.

To be continued.