Episode 11

Sightseeing around Gensokyo

It's raining today, there's not much to do right now, and everyone is still asleep, in my case, I'm still in my room, with the lights off.

[Izuru] “I feel tired and sleepy, but what should I do?”

A gap materialized in front of me, and I heard a voice coming from there, it seems that Lady Yukari woke up

[Yukari] “Good morning Izuru, could you make breakfast?”

[Izuru] “Yes, my lady!”

And that was how I left my room to prepare breakfast at the kitchen, just as Lady Yukari ordered. Today we are going to drink black tea, but first I went to put the kettle on and look for the tea leaves. I put some of the leaves I found inside the kettle, which was already a little hot by that point.

Lady Yukari appeared for the second time, and told me that Ran was going to prepare the food, meanwhile I was in charge of the tea. She disappeared the same way she appeared, and went to look for Ran, who was still sleeping, then she woke up.

Ran came to the kitchen, and we greeted each other, when it comes to cuisine, hers is one of the best.

The tea is ready, I served it in the cups, and I also brought sugar with the tea spoons, because I don't see why not. I personally settle for three tablespoons of sugar; I have no idea about the others.

I put everything on the table and finished my part of the work, later, Ran finished making the food, and also put it on the table.

Lady Yukari took her side of the table, as usual, Ran and I did the same.

[Yukari] “What do we have for today?”

[Izuru] “It's black tea, and I also brought sugar for it”

[Ran] “I made fried tofu and toasts with butter as well”

The three of us went to breakfast, at least for another hour until Chen decided to wake up, although it seems that she was still half asleep, however, she had breakfast nonetheless.

After breakfast, I was waiting for some order from Lady Yukari (besides, I was already bored), but instead...

[Yukari] “If you want, you can go explore Gensokyo, for now I'm going to stay here; Ran will go to the Gensokyo border, and then I might go to Hakurei Shrine.” “When you're done, you'll find me there, is that clear?”

[Izuru] “Yes ma'am!”

I left the residence, but it was still raining, I still wasn't going to miss this opportunity, so I went sightseeing.

To be continued.