Episode 19

Talking with Ran

Today was a day without any notable events, just reading the book I bought the other time in Kourindou. I learned how to hide my wings, but without making any physical effort, instead, I can magically dematerialize them. At this point I can fly without them now.

I have yet to find out what Lady Yukari is up to, but that doesn't really interest me. It's already night, we're all at home, I think, so I left my room and went to my coworker's room, Ran. iI have intentions of talking to her, for no particular reason.

I decided to knock on the door of her room before, I'm not going to enter without asking permission.

[Ran] “Are you, Izuru?” “If so, you can pass”

[Izuru] “Okay, I got it.”

An awkward silence took place inside the room, as if I were inside a gap, for at least a minute.

[Ran] “About yesterday, even I was surprised, I didn't even know what to feel, at all.” “Did you really want to do it, Izuru?”

[Izuru] “Yes, really” “I guess that's what I get for remembering about the past, even if it's been almost two months.” “I was practically nothing but a mere mortal my entire life, in a world where there are very few people who have empathy for others.” “It's almost like you came straight from the heavens to save this poor soul, to be honest...”

[Ran] “I think that partly explains why you decided to be a youkai, I mean, I was there with Lady Yukari and Chen that night.”

[Izuru] “That doesn't end there, I didn't feel good being a human being, living with people like you, and also because I wanted to reject my humanity.” “I never expected to become a youkai on the first try, seriously, part of me thought I might have ended up as a ghost instead or something.”

[Ran] “Against all odds, you were reborn just like the phoenix, in the literal sense of the word, even” “I originally came from Hell when Lady Yukari made me who I am, centuries ago.” “How old are you, anyway?”

[Izuru] “Including my previous life, around 20 years old, although I don't remember my birthday”

[Ran] “Ah, almost like Reimu, although she is older than you, or even Marisa, for that reason”

[Izuru] “Something like that”

Our conversation was abruptly interrupted by Lady Yukari, who was wondering where I was.

[Izuru] “It's something the matter, my lady?”

[Yukari] “Oh, you are here; It's nothing, for now. I saw you were talking to Ran...” “Okay, I'll leave then”

And she disappeared again, what a mysterious woman, thank goodness I'm used to this happening after some time.

[Izuru] “I bet she heard everything we said”

[Ran] “She always does it, don't underestimate her” “It's time for dinner now, do you want something to eat?”

[Izuru] “I'm not hungry so I'll have to pass” “But thanks, Ran” “I guess I will go to sleep now instead”

[Ran] “Good night, Izuru”

[Izuru] “Likewise”

I went back to my room and went to sleep; Ran went to make dinner, eventually everyone ate, and that was it, I guess?

To be continued