Episode 12

Garden of the Sun

The rain stopped after a long flight, I chose to land in the Garden of the Sun, out of curiosity Yuuka Kazami lives there, we had a conversation before, but it didn't last long.

Naturally, she saw me about to land, and prepared to attack.

[Yuuka] “Don't you dare... wait a minute, we saw each other last time”

[Izuru] “Yes, it's me, good morning”

[Yuuka] “Good morning” “You want a drink? I'm going to my mansion right now”

[Izuru] “Alright”

Right after I responded, she disappeared instantly... I was stumped for a moment, however I was already arriving at the mansion after I came back to my senses.

Fortunately I had no intention of starting a fight, first because she is extremely powerful, and second, even if I could respond to her attacks, I would get tired quickly, regardless of whether the established spell card rules were used or not.


I arrived at the mansion, Yuuka was minding her own business, until she saw me.

[Yuuka] “Come on, I don't have all day”

I decided to have a cup of tea, even though I had already had one before, in the meantime, we started chatting

[Yuuka] “Huh, at least you didn't live in the village” “Reimu doesn't forgive people there to become youkai, once upon a time, she did kill off someone who did”

[Izuru] “Who are you talking about, though?”

[Yuuka] “A fortune-teller, or something like that” “Akyuu should have already written about him”

[Izuru] “I hadn't thought of asking my master about her”

[Yuuka] “Yukari sometimes goes to the Hieda mansion to review the Gensokyo Chronicle” “You should check that out sometime”

[Izuru] “Maybe...” “I'll try to remember it for next time.”

[Yuuka] “There is something that seems strange to me about you... how can it be that you are a shikigami, when in reality you seem more like a youkai like any other?”

[Izuru] “Honestly, I don't even know it myself, but one thing I do know is that I can act like it almost as much as Ran.” “If I had ended up as a spirit without a body of my own, maybe I would have actually been a proper shikigami.” “After all, I swore to serve Lady Yukari completely of my own will.”

[Yuuka] “Even I would be surprised” “You are still very young, maybe one day we will meet in a fight.”

[Izuru] “It would be fun, wouldn't it?”

[Yuuka] “Heh, maybe (wink)”

[Izuru] “I have to go, I want to go see other places before meeting Lady Yukari”

[Yuuka] “It's a shame I can't accompany you, but maybe I'll do it next time.” “See you, Izuru”

[Izuru] “Likewise, Yuuka”

We both left the mansion, and I took off, to continue traveling. Yuuka waved in response until I disappeared.

To be continued.