Episode 17

A portal from darkness to light

The sinister voice of Lady Yukari was heard within the space-time void in which I was and told me...

[Yukari] “You've already arrived at the Hakurei Shrine, remember what I said, Izuru, you already know what to do...”

[Izuru] “Understood, my lady. See you later”

[Yukari] “See you”

As soon as we exchanged words, the gap was opened and I emerged towards the shrine. It turns out that Marisa was also there, and therefore, she was the first to notice my presence.

[Marisa] “Yo, Izuru!” “Reimu, look who just arrived!”

[Reimu] “Hi, Izuru!” “How are you doing?”

[Izuru] “Hello, Marisa and Reimu!” “Good and you?”

[Marisa] “I'm fine! Breaking out a new uniform, eh?”

[Reimu] “I'm fine, thanks.” “You actually look different, was that Yukari's idea?”

[Izuru] “I made this one; Ran taught me how to do it the other day, and no, even Lady Yukari was surprised about it.”

[Marisa] “New to me, surely Reimu thinks the same right?”

[Reimu] “Hey! Speak for yourself!” “It looks pretty good” “So, why did you come here anyway? Is there nothing to do there?”

[Izuru] “More or less, I did all the housework after breakfast, and then this happened...” “I'm going to be here until eight thirty at night, if I come back later Lady Yukari is going to scold me.” “I guess while I'm with you two, I was thinking of going to bother Rinnosuke like you do, heh”

[Marisa] “Is Kourin still there? He never changes”

[Reimu] “Do you think that's a good idea?” “What if Yukari notices?”

[Izuru] “I don't know....” “Anyway, are there going to be more visitors today?”

[Reimu] “There are always, but you almost never come”

[Marisa] “I can't blame him, he seems to be a workaholic, just like one particular judge in Higan”

[Izuru] “Is she who I think she is?”

[Reimu] “Exactly, her name is Eiki Shiki” “Good intuition, Izuru”

[Izuru] “I have the feeling that I will eventually be wanted for my actions” “Although it is still too early for that to happen, apart from my work I practically do nothing else”

[Marisa] “Yeah....”

We were talking for a long time, when I looked at my watch I didn't even realize that it was already so late!

Only one hour left...

It's already night, and it's raining again, I don't think I'm going to bother trying to understand the weather now, it's a lot to think about.

To be continued