Nobody dreams of Gensokyo (誰も幻想郷の夢を見ない)

A story of a young man being left for dead, who finds himself in the world of Touhou, rescued and taken care of by a kitsune.

Getting forgotten in the Outside World

I was roaming around somewhere, having a break from work, until a group of people got obsessed with me, and began kicking me to near-death, then, my apparently lifeless body was dropped near the mountains, left to be forgotten, nobody ever arrived there to help me by any chance.

It is said that anybody and anything that gets forgotten, ends up in an illusionary world named “Gensokyo”, a haven for all kinds of youkai.

Thus, I ended up in that place, barely conscious, unable to move at all, and all I could do was to cry for help.

Fortunately, Ran Yakumo has noticed me, and she carried me to their residence without hesitation, and took care of me during that time.

I slept around a whole week in her room, since Yukari Yakumo, her master, was apparently absent by then.

To be continued

A life-changing contract

Yukari Yakumo appeared at the 8th day, and she wondered why I was located in Ran's room, so she asked her shikigami about it, however, I woke up, and asked Yukari to come to the room instead.

Meanwhile, a conversation between the two has just began

[???] “Nice to meet you, Miss Yukari”

[Yukari] “So, what is your name?”

[???] “I... I don't remember... I don't remember anything, I don't know who I am”

[Yukari] “Why might that be, and why are you here?”

I told her about the events that happened earlier

[Yukari] “I see”

[???] “If only I could do something to return the favor, because I feel grateful for all this...”

[Yukari] “How about... a contract?”

I thought, “is this too good to be true?”, I decided to play along nevertheless

[???] “I don't get it, can you explain it please, Miss Yukari?”

[Yukari] “Ran, as you can see, is my shikigami, and I am her master. That said, you do know what that entails?”

My face suddenly became that of sheer amazement

[???] “Are you serious?”

[Yukari] “That's right, lately I have been looking for somebody else to make us company, and you are exactly that” “This is what I propose to you, do you want to become a shikigami, and serve this residence and myself, without any exceptions?”

I unconditionally agreed, that's my chance, I want to live here with them!

[???] “I accept! No matter what!”

[Yukari] “Then it's settled, and now, I shall give you a new identity” “You will be known as... Izuru Yakumo”

I was so moved that I started crying, I couldn't believe it.

[Izuru] “Thank you! Thank you so much!” “Lady Yukari, I won't fail you! This is a promise!”

[Yukari] “Due to your condition, you can only do this part-time, however, I'll tell Ran to make sure for you to recover completely, and also, you will have training sessions with her and Chen”

[Izuru] “I understand”

As the days passed, I was slowly able to walk again, and despite the constant pain, I began training with my now co-worker, Ran, and her shikigami, Chen, for a long period of time.

Isn't it ironic, that youkai can be much more hospitable than any human being can be?

That doesn't matter anymore, because from now on, I work and live here, serving Lady Yukari, and the Yakumo residence forever.

If it weren't for them welcoming me with open arms, against all odds, I would have been dead a long time ago.

To be continued

An unexpected message

After my first training session, Lady Yukari asked me to relay a message to the Hakurei shrine maiden, even though she could have done it herself, but I was more than eager to follow her orders.


[Yukari] “Looks like you are still wearing the same outfit since you arrived on this residence”

[Izuru] “That's right”

She had the excellent idea of making an uniform for myself, so she summoned Ran and told her to do so, it was only just a matter of time, but soon after...

[Ran] “Lady Yukari! I'm done!”

[Yukari] “Hm? Oh, yeah. Izuru, come here right now!”

[Izuru] “Incoming!”

I arrived immediately and got bedazzled by the new outfit

[Ran] “So, do you like it?”

[Izuru] “It's perfect!” “I'm going to change my clothes right now!” “Wait a minute, I was forgetting something” “Thank you, Ran! Where can I change?”

[Ran] “You're welcome, Izuru. You can use my room”

[Izuru] “All right, I will be right back!”

A few minutes later...

[Izuru] “This is great! I'm happy!” “Lady Yukari, can you give me the letter please?”

[Yukari] “Sure thing”

[Izuru] “Anyway! I've got a job to do!” “See you! Lady Yukari! Ran!”

[Ran and Yukari] “See you later”

And so I went to Hakurei Shrine

To be continued

Arrival to the Hakurei Shrine ~ Hakurei Shrine Arc

I made my way to the Hakurei Shrine and arrived there, but it seemed like there was no one to be seen. Still I decided to do what is tradition in any religious place, and I also had 100 Japanese yen in one of my pockets, just like out of nowhere, then I remembered one of Lady Yukari's abilities, and continued as if nothing had happened.

I left the bill inside the shrine's donation box, which is usually empty.

Then, Reimu appeared from who knows where, and met my presence

[Reimu] “It's a new visitor!”

[Izuru] “Hello, I was sent here by Lady Yukari”

[Reimu] “Yukari of all people, that's strange” “Do you want some tea? You can come inside, too”

[Izuru] “I don't see why not”

Reimu started to make tea, apparently she was going to do it anyway, because she wasn't expecting visitors, other than Marisa as always.

[Reimu] “It is done!” “Please help yourself”

Later, she asked me who I was and why I came

[Reimu] “Just who are you?”

[Izuru] “My name is Izuru Yakumo, pleased to meet you”

[Reimu] ”...” “I didn't hear about you before, how did you get here?”

I took my time to explain my current situation, because apparently she was speechless.

[Reimu] “So Ran found you and...”

She then quickly shifted the topic, which is typical of her

[Reimu] “Anyway! You have something else?”

[Izuru] “I came to bring a message, it is here in this letter”

[Reimu] “Yukari could have easily done it herself, but instead she sends someone else to do it.”

I wanted to say goodbye and return to the Yakumo residence, but Reimu decided to read the letter and stopped me.

[Reimu] “Izuru, wait, please!”

[Izuru] “What's going on?”

[Reimu] “I already read the letter, this has to do with you. Let me read it in front of you now”

I stayed to listen to Reimu, the letter said the following

Reimu, I know you do all the chores on your own every day, but would you mind hosting Izuru for a while? He still doesn't have his own room in our residence, which is already being built right now... oh and also, he could help you if you want. ~ Yukari Yakumo

[Reimu] “Typical from Yukari, but I can understand her though, your arrival is unprecedented... to say the least.” “And you are an human, too...” “I have to deal with youkai all the time, but I have never thought about living with them in the same residence, like you do.” “Youkai are the product of fear of the unknown, so to speak, but it seems that is not the case with you.”

Reimu was monopolizing the conversation, but I did not remain silent and answered her

[Izuru] “I'm not afraid of them, I respect them” “After all, it was the humans from the outside world who almost finished me off, not the youkai.” “Personally, I always believed that youkai exist, but now I no longer have any doubts.” “I still have a lot to learn, don't I? Don't you agree, Miss Reimu?”

[Reimu] “That's right, and another thing, just call me Reimu, I seem to like you already.”

And that's how two strangers formed a friendship. I'm going to stay here in the shrine, who knows what can happen? I have no idea, but this will be a lot of fun, yes...

To be continued

Marisa's appearance ~ Hakurei Shrine Arc

The night has not come yet, and just as I thought, Marisa Kirisame came to visit Reimu, as always...

...until she realized that I was there too, to her surprise.

[Marisa] “I've never seen you here! Who are you?”

[Izuru] “Nice to meet you, my name is Izuru Yakumo, and you?”

[Marisa] “My name is Marisa.. um.. Marisa Kirisame” “How long have you been here?”

[Izuru] “For a while, Lady Yukari sent me here to deliver a message”

[Marisa] “No way”

Reimu already heard about her friend's arrival, so she invited us to go inside.

Marisa was still very surprised about my presence, and now even more so when I told her about Lady Yukari.

Afterwards, I went there, and she continued after a short time

[Izuru] “It's a pretty painful story, I don't know if you want to hear it...”

[Marisa] “Okay then”

Sometimes I get to a point where I get tired of repeating myself over and over again, but I restrain myself, and I continue.

[Marisa] “So you came from the outside world, and the people there did this to you? My apologies, but there's still something that's not clear to me, Yukari looking for someone else? That's incredible, to tell the truth.”

I was already feeling quite bored and asked Reimu if there was anything left to do at the shrine.

[Reimu] “Unfortunately, there's nothing left to do now”

[Izuru] “I see”

After a long conversation, Reimu had forgotten that she had a bottle of sake lying around, and asked us if we wanted to drink something after so long.

The night has already arrived...

[Reimu] “Time flies, huh” “Izuru and Marisa, are you up for a drink? I'll bring a bottle of sake and also some glasses”

[Marisa] “Of course! Count on me!”

[Izuru] “Seriously? Come on!”

We all ended up drunk and dizzy, it's really late now, and I don't think Marisa is going to come home, we drank so much that Reimu barely managed to put on her pajamas.

Everything became a disaster, I don't know where Marisa went to sleep, and I simply stayed where I was to sleep there. It was amazing.

To be continued

Izuru's return ~ Hakurei Shrine Arc

Four days passed since I came to Hakurei Shrine, just as Lady Yukari wanted, and I was also able to train with Reimu in our free time.

However, on the fifth day...

Lady Yukari left a letter in Reimu's room, and she went to see what happened, then came back and decided to read it.

But I was cleaning outside.

[Reimu] “You're done?”

[Izuru] “Yes, I've already finished”

[Reimu] “Can you come here for a moment?”

[Izuru] “OK”

I entered the room and sat near the table, Reimu was on the other side of the table, holding the letter.

[Reimu] “Yukari left a letter, do you want me to read it?”

[Izuru] “If it's no bother, please do it”

Izuru's room was finished yesterday, and has also been newly arranged today. Maybe I'll open a gap later, I hope you had fun with him. If there is nothing else to do at the residence, he may go to the shrine. For once in my entire life I was worried about Izuru, but it seems I did the right thing in the end. I will come here tomorrow for something else ~ Yukari Yakumo

My heartbeats were going off like crazy out of awe, which worried Reimu

[Reimu] “Are you okay?”

[Izuru] “Oh, of course!” “Now I wonder if this also means that I'll become a full-time shikigami now..”

[Reimu] “I would still find it contradictory, but nothing stops you from becoming a youkai one day.” “One of my jobs is to exterminate youkai, or at least that's what it seems to be.” “Since you don't live in the village, then I wouldn't finish you off, much less someone who serves Yukari.” “That being said, it seems to be noon already? Don't you want to help me with lunch in the kitchen?”

[Izuru] “No problem!”

Reimu decided to make katsudon, a dish that I had not tried until then. I brought the plates, chopsticks, and a couple of glasses

We returned to the room, each with our own, and we had a good time, then she went back to get the sake, which she makes herself (although there are cases where this is not the case), and she also returned with the glasses.

And as expected, we ended up a little drunk for no particular reason, and we will have been like that until three in the afternoon.

Not even 15 seconds passed, and a gap appeared in the room, and that meant that I had to say goodbye to Reimu.

[Reimu] “I hope you come back one day, Izuru! See you!”

[Izuru] “See you later, Reimu!”

I entered inside the gap, and returned to the Yakumo residence.

I wonder what will come next?

To be continued

A new room in the Yakumo residence

I returned home, but I don't see anyone, so I walked inside the residence, which now looks bigger since the last time I was here

[Izuru] “There doesn't seem to be anyone, but I see a new door with my name written on it? Ooooooh”

Suddenly a gap appears in front of me and a hand pulls me into it, my confusion intensifies. Without any expectations, I step out of the gap, I say 'It lights up!', and my room lights up by itself. Turns out everyone was there to welcome me.

[Chen] “Welcome back!”

[Yukari] “Welcome back, Izuru!”

[Ran] “Welcome back”

[Izuru] “Whoa whoa! It's been quite a while” “(bows) Hello, Lady Yukari, Ran and Chen!” “and this is...?”

[Yukari] “Your room, as you can see”

[Ran] “Indeed”

[Izuru] “My, my! This is great!” “Were these lights brought in from the outside world?”

[Yukari] “In particular, from the city of Tokyo, although it took Ran some work, it is already done”

[Izuru] “Thank you so much!” “Another thing, may I speak with you in private, Lady Yukari?”

[Yukari] “Yes, sure”

Yukari snapped her fingers and the other two immediately disappeared from the room.

I wanted to clear up some of my doubts.

[Yukari] “What do you want to talk about?”

[Izuru] “I would like to work full time, like Ran does, but under what conditions can that happen?”

[Yukari] ”(sigh) You are an extreme case, let me explain, you are still a human being, right?” “In that case, you are unable to handle a lot as it is, right now” “In short, you have to train constantly and also a lot of time”

[Izuru] “I understand” “Lady Yukari, when does the full moon come?”

[Yukari] “Sometime soon”

[Izuru] “I see” “Okay, I've made up my mind”

[Yukari] “What is it?”

[Izuru] “When the time comes, I will reject my humanity in front of everyone, at the Hakurei Shrine.” “But I need your permission.”

[Yukari] “Do you want....”

[Izuru] “To be a youkai, yes”

[Yukari] “I guess you already know what can happen if it goes wrong, right?”

[Izuru] “Maybe I'll die, and end up as a ghost” “But if it turns out well, I'll accept the consequences”

[Yukari] “Alright, deal done”

[Izuru] “So be it”

[Yukari] “Anything else?”

[Izuru] “No, thank you”

We both left my room, Ran was outside the house, Chen was hanging around.

Until I heard a snap, and they immediately went back inside.

[Yukari] “Izuru shall be resuming his training sessions starting tomorrow, is that clear?”

[Ran and Chen] “Yes!”

[Yukari] “Oh and also, you three, go to the kitchen, it's tea time, you know what to do.”

The three of us went to the kitchen, I made the tea, Ran made toast with jam, and Chen took care of the cups and plates.

When we finished, we went to the dining room and we all have a snack.

To be continued.

The end of one era and the beginning of another ~ Eternal Devotion Arc

At the next day...

[Izuru] “Good morning (yawns)”

[Ran] “Good morning, Izuru” “Lady Yukari and Chen are still asleep”

[Izuru] “Do you mind if I make the breakfast today?”

[Ran] “Go ahead, I don't mind”

I went to make breakfast in the kitchen, I just remembered that I had an envelope with green tea leaves that Reimu gave me before returning home, which I had forgotten in a pocket of my uniform.

I don't remember what else I prepared, because I was still immersed in my thoughts for some time.

Just like that, I finished making and serving breakfast, all the cups had been filled with green tea, and Ran decided to bring the food to the table.

Afterwards, Ran and I had breakfast. Chen barely woke up, although she still wanted to sleep.

Ran asked her shikigami to change her clothes, and she returned to her room. At this point, Lady Yukari stood up and appeared through one of her gaps, as always.

[Izuru and Ran] “Good morning, Lady Yukari”

[Yukari] “Good morning you two, it looks like you've already finished breakfast. Can I know who did it?”

[Ran] “Izuru was the one who prepared it”

[Izuru] “That's right”

[Yukari] “Green tea, I almost missed it, I mean, Ran usually makes tea from pretty much anything, including that, but I think those leaves are... from Hakurei Shrine?”

[Izuru] “Reimu gave them to me before returning home”

Chen arrived and ended up interrupting us, Lady Yukari already finished eating breakfast, so the bakeneko went to eat breakfast too.

Later I did the housework, but there wasn't much to do then

[Yukari] “Chen, Ran, today is Izuru's training session, you already know what to do.”

Ran and Chen nodded, and the three of us went outside until two-thirty in the afternoon, then we had lunch, and Lady Yukari left for Hakurei Shrine without any warning, something that was going to happen anyway.

Later, at the Hakurei Shrine...

[Reimu] “Oh, it's Yukari, what's wrong?”

[Yukari] “I came to discuss something with you, it's about Izuru”

[Reimu] “Okay, but let's go inside, please.”

Lady Yukari jumped from one gap to the other in an instant, and thus entered the shrine room, she also closed the gap she used before. The two of them had a rather long conversation, which I know nothing about, but I'm sure it has to do with the upcoming full moon.

[Reimu] “So it's going to happen here... always doing things your way” ”(sigh)”

[Yukari] “I'm going back now, we will come tomorrow night, Ran and Chen are coming too.” “If someone else comes, I guess it's okay” “Goodbye”

[Reimu] “Bye, then”

To be continued

The birth of a new youkai ~ Eternal Devotion Arc

The moment finally came, just as Lady Yukari predicted, so we went straight to the Hakurei Shrine. It seems that Marisa was interested in coming too, Reimu probably told her, a host of other youkai whom I don't know yet, also decided to come.

And then we arrived, everyone saw us, as expected. Lady Yukari told me to stand in the center of the shrine, and immediately sat down there, all alone.

The sky cleared, the moon was revealed in its maximum splendor, now it only depended on me

[Izuru] “I don't regret anything!”

I reveal a silver knife, which I had hidden inside my uniform and...

[Izuru] “(stabs himself)”

And I closed my eyes, instantly, a mysterious white flame completely enveloped me, freeing me from my humanity. Later, the remains of my body turned into ashes.

But that didn't end there...

Everyone was speechless A blinding light suddenly appeared, everyone had to cover their eyes, and, I was reborn, this time with a completely different shape.

My skin turned pale, my eyes turned violet, my hair turned completely black, and I acquired a pair of wings, like those of an angel. The knife I used transformed into a pair of katanas, while my uniform remained more or less the same, apart from a few details.

I stood up, everyone was amazed, even Lady Yukari. I went to her, and knelt in front of her.

[Izuru] “If you wish, I will serve you until the end of time, Lady Yukari, forever.” “Just like that day, it's the least I can do in gratitude for your actions.”

Lady Yukari was speechless for a moment, until she regained her composure, and then she told me, with her typical ominous voice

[Yukari] “Your request has been granted”

I became a youkai, but I still need to train, as I was already doing, if it weren't for the Yakumo family, my fate would have been even worse. It doesn't matter anymore, I already did it, although I still need to adapt, but only time will tell...

To be continued.

Realization ~ Eternal Devotion Arc

Any moment now, I practically expected Reimu to get rid of me, but she didn't. I asked Lady Yukari to try to adapt to my new life and wander around. At first, she didn't want to do it, but she changed her mind, and authorized me nonetheless.

I don't know what to do, I thought I could formally introduce myself to everyone who came to the event. One of them was nothing more and nothing less than Yuuka Kazami, a youkai who likes to fight, and has the power to prove it.

[Yuuka] “So you are Yukari's latest shikigami?”

[Izuru] “That's right, no matter how strange it seems” “My name is Izuru Yakumo, and yours?”

[Yuuka] “Yuuka Kazami, also known as the 'Sleeping Terror' for a long time”

[Izuru] “So what I heard about you is true...” “Nice to meet you”

[Yuuka] “I suppose so” “You wouldn't stand a chance”

[Izuru] “I'm not adept at combat, unlike you, Miss Yuuka”

[Yuuka] “I figured.” “Well, I will be returning to my mansion now, it's around the Garden of the Sun, if you're curious”

[Izuru] “See you sometime”

[Yuuka] “See you”

I decided to keep walking around the shrine, so I went to greet Reimu and Marisa, who were together.

Then, I met the people of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, who came because the owner, Remilia Scarlet, was bored. She was with her maid, Sakuya Izayoi, as always.

Neither were in the mood to talk, though...

I returned to the place where I was located (central point of the shrine) and jumped towards the sky, near the Moon.

[Izuru] “I did it, I finally did it, who knows, maybe I'll keep my job at this shrine, which I enjoy as much as obeying Lady Yukari.” “I would have to find a way to hide my wings, so as not to destroy anything by accident.” “I really am an exceptional case, although I could easily possess another youkai to be a shikigami as such, like Ran, I can do quite well without that”

A little later, I returned to the place where Lady Yukari was located, it seems that she was distracted with some other matter.

[Izuru] “It's finished”

[Yukari] “That's it? If you say so...”

[Izuru] “I'm falling asleep, can we go home?”

[Yukari] “It's okay, I feel tired too”

[Izuru] “Please, can I take you, Ran, and Chen this time?”

[Yukari] “You are so impulsive...”

[Ran] “Okay!”

[Chen] ”?”

I took flight, I carried them on my back, which might have been a problem the first time, however, I felt fine.

[Izuru] “We are leaving now! Goodbye everybody!”

Everyone waved as we left for the Yakumo residence, and disappeared into the horizon.

To be continued