Episode 4

Arrival to the Hakurei Shrine ~ Hakurei Shrine Arc

I made my way to the Hakurei Shrine and arrived there, but it seemed like there was no one to be seen. Still I decided to do what is tradition in any religious place, and I also had 100 Japanese yen in one of my pockets, just like out of nowhere, then I remembered one of Lady Yukari's abilities, and continued as if nothing had happened.

I left the bill inside the shrine's donation box, which is usually empty.

Then, Reimu appeared from who knows where, and met my presence

[Reimu] “It's a new visitor!”

[Izuru] “Hello, I was sent here by Lady Yukari”

[Reimu] “Yukari of all people, that's strange” “Do you want some tea? You can come inside, too”

[Izuru] “I don't see why not”

Reimu started to make tea, apparently she was going to do it anyway, because she wasn't expecting visitors, other than Marisa as always.

[Reimu] “It is done!” “Please help yourself”

Later, she asked me who I was and why I came

[Reimu] “Just who are you?”

[Izuru] “My name is Izuru Yakumo, pleased to meet you”

[Reimu] ”...” “I didn't hear about you before, how did you get here?”

I took my time to explain my current situation, because apparently she was speechless.

[Reimu] “So Ran found you and...”

She then quickly shifted the topic, which is typical of her

[Reimu] “Anyway! You have something else?”

[Izuru] “I came to bring a message, it is here in this letter”

[Reimu] “Yukari could have easily done it herself, but instead she sends someone else to do it.”

I wanted to say goodbye and return to the Yakumo residence, but Reimu decided to read the letter and stopped me.

[Reimu] “Izuru, wait, please!”

[Izuru] “What's going on?”

[Reimu] “I already read the letter, this has to do with you. Let me read it in front of you now”

I stayed to listen to Reimu, the letter said the following

Reimu, I know you do all the chores on your own every day, but would you mind hosting Izuru for a while? He still doesn't have his own room in our residence, which is already being built right now... oh and also, he could help you if you want. ~ Yukari Yakumo

[Reimu] “Typical from Yukari, but I can understand her though, your arrival is unprecedented... to say the least.” “And you are an human, too...” “I have to deal with youkai all the time, but I have never thought about living with them in the same residence, like you do.” “Youkai are the product of fear of the unknown, so to speak, but it seems that is not the case with you.”

Reimu was monopolizing the conversation, but I did not remain silent and answered her

[Izuru] “I'm not afraid of them, I respect them” “After all, it was the humans from the outside world who almost finished me off, not the youkai.” “Personally, I always believed that youkai exist, but now I no longer have any doubts.” “I still have a lot to learn, don't I? Don't you agree, Miss Reimu?”

[Reimu] “That's right, and another thing, just call me Reimu, I seem to like you already.”

And that's how two strangers formed a friendship. I'm going to stay here in the shrine, who knows what can happen? I have no idea, but this will be a lot of fun, yes...

To be continued