Episode 6

Izuru's return ~ Hakurei Shrine Arc

Four days passed since I came to Hakurei Shrine, just as Lady Yukari wanted, and I was also able to train with Reimu in our free time.

However, on the fifth day...

Lady Yukari left a letter in Reimu's room, and she went to see what happened, then came back and decided to read it.

But I was cleaning outside.

[Reimu] “You're done?”

[Izuru] “Yes, I've already finished”

[Reimu] “Can you come here for a moment?”

[Izuru] “OK”

I entered the room and sat near the table, Reimu was on the other side of the table, holding the letter.

[Reimu] “Yukari left a letter, do you want me to read it?”

[Izuru] “If it's no bother, please do it”

Izuru's room was finished yesterday, and has also been newly arranged today. Maybe I'll open a gap later, I hope you had fun with him. If there is nothing else to do at the residence, he may go to the shrine. For once in my entire life I was worried about Izuru, but it seems I did the right thing in the end. I will come here tomorrow for something else ~ Yukari Yakumo

My heartbeats were going off like crazy out of awe, which worried Reimu

[Reimu] “Are you okay?”

[Izuru] “Oh, of course!” “Now I wonder if this also means that I'll become a full-time shikigami now..”

[Reimu] “I would still find it contradictory, but nothing stops you from becoming a youkai one day.” “One of my jobs is to exterminate youkai, or at least that's what it seems to be.” “Since you don't live in the village, then I wouldn't finish you off, much less someone who serves Yukari.” “That being said, it seems to be noon already? Don't you want to help me with lunch in the kitchen?”

[Izuru] “No problem!”

Reimu decided to make katsudon, a dish that I had not tried until then. I brought the plates, chopsticks, and a couple of glasses

We returned to the room, each with our own, and we had a good time, then she went back to get the sake, which she makes herself (although there are cases where this is not the case), and she also returned with the glasses.

And as expected, we ended up a little drunk for no particular reason, and we will have been like that until three in the afternoon.

Not even 15 seconds passed, and a gap appeared in the room, and that meant that I had to say goodbye to Reimu.

[Reimu] “I hope you come back one day, Izuru! See you!”

[Izuru] “See you later, Reimu!”

I entered inside the gap, and returned to the Yakumo residence.

I wonder what will come next?

To be continued