Episode 7

A new room in the Yakumo residence

I returned home, but I don't see anyone, so I walked inside the residence, which now looks bigger since the last time I was here

[Izuru] “There doesn't seem to be anyone, but I see a new door with my name written on it? Ooooooh”

Suddenly a gap appears in front of me and a hand pulls me into it, my confusion intensifies. Without any expectations, I step out of the gap, I say 'It lights up!', and my room lights up by itself. Turns out everyone was there to welcome me.

[Chen] “Welcome back!”

[Yukari] “Welcome back, Izuru!”

[Ran] “Welcome back”

[Izuru] “Whoa whoa! It's been quite a while” “(bows) Hello, Lady Yukari, Ran and Chen!” “and this is...?”

[Yukari] “Your room, as you can see”

[Ran] “Indeed”

[Izuru] “My, my! This is great!” “Were these lights brought in from the outside world?”

[Yukari] “In particular, from the city of Tokyo, although it took Ran some work, it is already done”

[Izuru] “Thank you so much!” “Another thing, may I speak with you in private, Lady Yukari?”

[Yukari] “Yes, sure”

Yukari snapped her fingers and the other two immediately disappeared from the room.

I wanted to clear up some of my doubts.

[Yukari] “What do you want to talk about?”

[Izuru] “I would like to work full time, like Ran does, but under what conditions can that happen?”

[Yukari] ”(sigh) You are an extreme case, let me explain, you are still a human being, right?” “In that case, you are unable to handle a lot as it is, right now” “In short, you have to train constantly and also a lot of time”

[Izuru] “I understand” “Lady Yukari, when does the full moon come?”

[Yukari] “Sometime soon”

[Izuru] “I see” “Okay, I've made up my mind”

[Yukari] “What is it?”

[Izuru] “When the time comes, I will reject my humanity in front of everyone, at the Hakurei Shrine.” “But I need your permission.”

[Yukari] “Do you want....”

[Izuru] “To be a youkai, yes”

[Yukari] “I guess you already know what can happen if it goes wrong, right?”

[Izuru] “Maybe I'll die, and end up as a ghost” “But if it turns out well, I'll accept the consequences”

[Yukari] “Alright, deal done”

[Izuru] “So be it”

[Yukari] “Anything else?”

[Izuru] “No, thank you”

We both left my room, Ran was outside the house, Chen was hanging around.

Until I heard a snap, and they immediately went back inside.

[Yukari] “Izuru shall be resuming his training sessions starting tomorrow, is that clear?”

[Ran and Chen] “Yes!”

[Yukari] “Oh and also, you three, go to the kitchen, it's tea time, you know what to do.”

The three of us went to the kitchen, I made the tea, Ran made toast with jam, and Chen took care of the cups and plates.

When we finished, we went to the dining room and we all have a snack.

To be continued.