Episode 2

A life-changing contract

Yukari Yakumo appeared at the 8th day, and she wondered why I was located in Ran's room, so she asked her shikigami about it, however, I woke up, and asked Yukari to come to the room instead.

Meanwhile, a conversation between the two has just began

[???] “Nice to meet you, Miss Yukari”

[Yukari] “So, what is your name?”

[???] “I... I don't remember... I don't remember anything, I don't know who I am”

[Yukari] “Why might that be, and why are you here?”

I told her about the events that happened earlier

[Yukari] “I see”

[???] “If only I could do something to return the favor, because I feel grateful for all this...”

[Yukari] “How about... a contract?”

I thought, “is this too good to be true?”, I decided to play along nevertheless

[???] “I don't get it, can you explain it please, Miss Yukari?”

[Yukari] “Ran, as you can see, is my shikigami, and I am her master. That said, you do know what that entails?”

My face suddenly became that of sheer amazement

[???] “Are you serious?”

[Yukari] “That's right, lately I have been looking for somebody else to make us company, and you are exactly that” “This is what I propose to you, do you want to become a shikigami, and serve this residence and myself, without any exceptions?”

I unconditionally agreed, that's my chance, I want to live here with them!

[???] “I accept! No matter what!”

[Yukari] “Then it's settled, and now, I shall give you a new identity” “You will be known as... Izuru Yakumo”

I was so moved that I started crying, I couldn't believe it.

[Izuru] “Thank you! Thank you so much!” “Lady Yukari, I won't fail you! This is a promise!”

[Yukari] “Due to your condition, you can only do this part-time, however, I'll tell Ran to make sure for you to recover completely, and also, you will have training sessions with her and Chen”

[Izuru] “I understand”

As the days passed, I was slowly able to walk again, and despite the constant pain, I began training with my now co-worker, Ran, and her shikigami, Chen, for a long period of time.

Isn't it ironic, that youkai can be much more hospitable than any human being can be?

That doesn't matter anymore, because from now on, I work and live here, serving Lady Yukari, and the Yakumo residence forever.

If it weren't for them welcoming me with open arms, against all odds, I would have been dead a long time ago.

To be continued