Episode 9

The birth of a new youkai ~ Eternal Devotion Arc

The moment finally came, just as Lady Yukari predicted, so we went straight to the Hakurei Shrine. It seems that Marisa was interested in coming too, Reimu probably told her, a host of other youkai whom I don't know yet, also decided to come.

And then we arrived, everyone saw us, as expected. Lady Yukari told me to stand in the center of the shrine, and immediately sat down there, all alone.

The sky cleared, the moon was revealed in its maximum splendor, now it only depended on me

[Izuru] “I don't regret anything!”

I reveal a silver knife, which I had hidden inside my uniform and...

[Izuru] “(stabs himself)”

And I closed my eyes, instantly, a mysterious white flame completely enveloped me, freeing me from my humanity. Later, the remains of my body turned into ashes.

But that didn't end there...

Everyone was speechless A blinding light suddenly appeared, everyone had to cover their eyes, and, I was reborn, this time with a completely different shape.

My skin turned pale, my eyes turned violet, my hair turned completely black, and I acquired a pair of wings, like those of an angel. The knife I used transformed into a pair of katanas, while my uniform remained more or less the same, apart from a few details.

I stood up, everyone was amazed, even Lady Yukari. I went to her, and knelt in front of her.

[Izuru] “If you wish, I will serve you until the end of time, Lady Yukari, forever.” “Just like that day, it's the least I can do in gratitude for your actions.”

Lady Yukari was speechless for a moment, until she regained her composure, and then she told me, with her typical ominous voice

[Yukari] “Your request has been granted”

I became a youkai, but I still need to train, as I was already doing, if it weren't for the Yakumo family, my fate would have been even worse. It doesn't matter anymore, I already did it, although I still need to adapt, but only time will tell...

To be continued.