Episode 1

Getting forgotten in the Outside World

I was roaming around somewhere, having a break from work, until a group of people got obsessed with me, and began kicking me to near-death, then, my apparently lifeless body was dropped near the mountains, left to be forgotten, nobody ever arrived there to help me by any chance.

It is said that anybody and anything that gets forgotten, ends up in an illusionary world named “Gensokyo”, a haven for all kinds of youkai.

Thus, I ended up in that place, barely conscious, unable to move at all, and all I could do was to cry for help.

Fortunately, Ran Yakumo has noticed me, and she carried me to their residence without hesitation, and took care of me during that time.

I slept around a whole week in her room, since Yukari Yakumo, her master, was apparently absent by then.

To be continued