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from Does anyone believe in Gensokyo? (幻想郷を信じる人はいますか)

Living in the land of llusion

It's been more than a year since I've been living here in this region. Even though I can remember everything now, I still remain faithful to my promise as on the first day.

Lady Yukari has me wandering all over the place, even though she herself decided that she had to stand guard at the Hakurei Shrine. Meanwhile, the tsukumogami Ayane and Madoka remain the same as ever.

I finally got my skill fully mastered, albeit with some side effects. One of them being 'manipulation of life', which is in essence the opposite of 'manipulation of death', but I don't know how it works...


Right now I'm at the Hakurei Shrine, helping Reimu with cleaning the place. Or rather, doing it on my own, while she's drinking tea...

[Reimu] “Always working, I think you need a break”

[Izuru] “That's not up to me, besides, I'm bored anyway.” “No wonder Miss Kasen is always mad at you.”

[Reimu] “You just have to remind me of that... (sigh)”

[Izuru] “Looks like someone is coming to visit us” “Over there, Reimu”

Reimu and I have no idea why she wanted to come, so I preferred to stay quiet. I only know her by name, Lady Yukari told me about her some time ago, but that was all I knew, until now.

[Reimu] “Is something wrong, Kosuzu?”

[Kosuzu] “Who is he?”

[Reimu] “Oh, him?” “He works for Yukari”

[Izuru] “Sorry for my interruption, my name is Izuru Yakumo” “My master told me about you, Miss Kosuzu” “It's a pleasure to meet you”

[Kosuzu] “How weird...” “I didn't come for that” “It's about Miss Akyuu”

[Reimu] “What's up with her?” “Oh, I remember now.....”

[Reimu] “Isn't she the one who works at Suzunaan?” “But why?” [Kosuzu] “It worries me a lot, I wouldn't get used to not seeing her.” “I wish I could do anything about it”

[Izuru] “Miss Kosuzu, you could ask Dr. Yagokoro at Eientei” “I have a feeling that the alternative would end up just like that fortune-teller...”

[Reimu] “Weren't it for Yukari you'd have been gone by now, Izuru”

[Izuru] “I have to correct you, i'd have been dead if she didn't take me in over a year ago”

I quickly jumped towards the shrine gate and tried to call Lady Yukari from there. Luckily for me, she was awake and appeared behind me a while later.

[Izuru] “Good morning” “Excuse me for bothering you, my lady.” “Miss Kosuzu Motoori is with Reimu right now, and she's worried about Miss Akyuu.”

[Yukari] “What are you waiting for, let's go there”

Some time later...

[Reimu] “Oh, it's Yukari”

[Yukari] “Izuru called and I thought I could come” “Kosuzu, do you need anything in particular?”

[Kosuzu] “Can you take me to Eientei?” “I want to talk to Dr. Yagokoro”

[Yukari] “Izuru can take you there, he knows that place.”

[Kosuzu] “If you say so...”

[Izuru] “No problem, as long as Miss Kosuzu cooperates.”

[Kosuzu] “Very well”

I took Miss Kosuzu to Eientei as Lady Yukari ordered me to. Despite her distrust of me, which is natural considering that she comes from the village The question is, what can be done for Miss Akyuu?


from Nobody dreams of Gensokyo (誰も幻想郷の夢を見ない)

The Yakumo Family Sword ~ Finale

It's been a week since I've been a gatekeeper at Hakurei Shrine, the tsukumogami are doing well with their work at the residence, but something else was missing... However, just as I expected, I saw Kogasa in the Torii gate of the shrine.

[Kogasa] “Phew” “This was one hell of a job”

[Reimu] “Hey, Kogasa!” “Izuru, come here!”

[Izuru] “I'm on my way!” “...” “Good morning, Kogasa!”

[Kogasa] “Oh, good morning!” “I was able to complete your order, here it is”

[Izuru] “You did it well” “How much is it?”

[Kogasa] “Eh? Are you serious?” “In that case, 1000 yen would be more than enough”

[Izuru] “Alright, here you go.” “I appreciate your work”

[Reimu] “Izuru, since when do you get paid?”

[Izuru] “Lady Yukari gives me money in exchange for my work from time to time” “But I don't need that to prove my devotion to her”

[Reimu] “Huh, and you hardly ever spend it, even” “Could you make me a favor?”

[Izuru] “If it has anything to do with your sealing needles, I have no problem”

[Reimu] “I'd be glad!”

[Kogasa] “Hey, I'm still here” “That will be 1500 yen” “I had myself forgotten about your tab, Reimu”

[Izuru] “Very well, here” “Thank you, Kogasa”

[Kogasa] “You're welcome!” “Now if you will excuse me, I've got to surprise people!” “See you!”

[Reimu] “I'm still in debt...”

[Izuru] “Oh, don't worry” “What are friends for, anyway?”

[Reimu] “Thanks, Izuru!”

[Izuru] “Now I'll have to tell Lady Yukari and the others” “If I find them in the first place, that is...”

[Reimu] “I think she must be asleep right now” “Or is she?”

[Izuru] “There's only one way to find out” “I'll be right back!”

[Reimu] “See you!”

With the order already delivered, I went home to tell Lady Yukari about it.

[Ayane] “Good morning, my lord” “Lady Yukari is still asleep on her room” “Huh, what is that?”

[Izuru] “Good morning” “It's something that Lady Yukari told me to do the past week”

Without further dialogue, I rushed to Lady Yukari's room

[Izuru] “Lady Yukari, Lady Yukari!”

[Yukari] ”(yawn)” “Who dares to wake me up at this hour...” “Is it you, Izuru?”

[Izuru] “Yes, my lady!” “The order from the youkai blacksmith has arrived today, and I have it right now” “Oh, good morning, by the way”

[Yukari] “Now I'm interested” “Let me see it”

Immediately after telling Lady Yukari, I handed her the sword

[Yukari] “It looks like Youmu's, but at the same time, it's different” “She did a good job” “You can have it back, Izuru”

[Izuru] “I'm going back to Hakurei Shrine now, please excuse my interruption.” “See you later, my lady”

[Yukari] “I don't mind, coming from you” “See you, Izuru”

Even though I hadn't asked for it, Lady Yukari warped me to the Hakurei Shrine with a gap, then she continued sleeping.

[Izuru] “Huh? A letter from Lady Yukari?”

You should return home tonight This is due to an event that concerns only us All of us have to be there, including Ran and Chen. ~Yukari Yakumo

[Izuru] “What did she try to mean with that...?” “Well, her wishes are orders, I'll go find Ran then”

Fortunately, Ran was located near the shrine, and bumped into her

[Ran] “Oh, hi!”

[Izuru] “Greetings, Ran” “It's a letter from Lady Yukari” “I have yet to understand what she means by that”

[Ran] “Have you been at home recently?”

[Izuru] “Indeed, I was” “Too bad that I had to interrupt Lady Yukari's sleep” “Brushing that aside, how have you been doing?”

[Ran] “Looking after the barrier, as usual” “And you?”

[Izuru] “On the shrine grounds, doing what Reimu doesn't want to do, mostly” “Sometimes it baffles me, as in who is the laziest”

[Ran] “Maybe because Gensokyo has been relatively peaceful, who knows” “No incidents besides what you did on the shrine, to put it that way” “One had happened long before your arrival, and I was the only one who actually did something”

[Izuru] “The yama will get mad at me, for sure” “Eh, whatever” “I'll be returning to the shrine now, then”

[Ran] “We could return together home”

[Izuru] “Maybe, either that, or Lady Yukari pulling us into her gaps” “See you, Ran”

[Ran] “Later, Izuru”

It's nearly afternoon now, I already returned to the Hakurei Shrine, meanwhile, Reimu drinking tea for the nth time...

[Izuru] “Are you slacking off again, Reimu?”

[Reimu] “Geez, first Yukari and now you, what the hell” “It took you a while to return”

[Izuru] “Well, I had to wake up Lady Yukari, she was asleep as usual” “She might be awake by now, the tsukumogami are at home, too”

[Reimu] “Do you mean the sword spirits?” “Who would have thought, that they ended up taking your place over there...”

[Izuru] “Unlike my coworkers and myself, neither are bound by a contract” “However, their loyalty to Lady Yukari is only natural”

[Reimu] “How so?”

[Izuru] “She was the original owner of the knife I used, in the first place” “Their loyalty to me is likely due to my own blood”

[Reimu] “It really is about as weird as it sounds” “A-Anyway, would you mind helping me with lunch?”

[Izuru] “I don't mind” “I've been kind of bored of flying to the gate and back to the roof”

To my own amusement (and Reimu's dismay), no one other than Lady Yukari appeared on the shrine. As expected from her, she came with the usual work dress.

[Yukari] “Hello again, Izuru” “And you, Reimu”

[Izuru] “Good afternoon, my lady” “How have you been doing?”

[Yukari] “I only woke up some time ago, but fine otherwise” “And you, Izuru?”

[Izuru] “I was just going to help Reimu with lunch”

[Reimu] “Yeah... (sigh)”

[Yukari] “I have a better idea, I'll summon Ran instead” “Izuru, do you plan to give the sword a name?”

[Izuru] “I thought of naming it the 'Heavenly Yakumo Family Sword'”

[Yukari] “Sounds like a too long name for it, in my opinion”

Leaving that aside, Lady Yukari brought Ran, meanwhile, I'm thinking of other names for the sword.

[Ran] “Lady Yukari, is something amiss?”

[Yukari] “We're going to have lunch soon, you will take Izuru's place and go with Reimu”

[Ran] “Understood!”

[Izuru] “I have to admit that I didn't expect this to happen, my lady” “However, I have a name for it now”

[Yukari] “Do you?”

[Izuru] “'Sword of Illusion'”

[Yukari] “I like that name”

[Izuru] “That being said, I don't want to be its only wielder”

[Yukari] “What do you mean by that?”

[Izuru] “That nobody else other than us, that is, Ran, Chen, you and myself, shall use it, my lady”

[Yukari] “An interesting idea of yours”

[Izuru] “As for Ayane and Madoka, well, they're swords themselves” “For them it would be pointless”

[Yukari] “That will just do”

I wonder why Lady Yukari just accepted the name I proposed, instead of having a problem with it, I stayed to wait for lunch with my lady Looks like she fell asleep from boredom, though I had to wake her up when Reimu arrived to look for us

[Izuru] “My lady, please wake up”

[Yukari] ”(yawn)”

[Reimu] “Lunch is ready, and you're already sleeping...?”

[Yukari] “What can I do, I was just bored.” “Izuru, we should go in, don't you think?”

[Izuru] “Sounds good, my lady”

It turns out that for today, we had ramen for lunch, and Chen was sleeping (I don't know how) among Ran's nine tails After that, we decided to just spend the afternoon at the shrine, with practically nothing to do

For my part, I lay down to sunbathe on the roof, while the others did whatever they wanted.


A few hours later...

[Izuru] “What a thing, I ended up falling asleep” “It was worth it though”

[Yukari] “Izuru, we must go home, as planned.” “Goodbye, Reimu”

[Ran] “Please wait, Lady Yukari”

[Yukari] “There you are”

Immediately after saying goodbye to Reimu, we all returned home with Lady Yukari.

[Yukari] “Ran, wake up Chen” “Izuru, the sword”

[Izuru] “Sure thing, my lady”

[Chen] ”(yawns)” “What is it, Lady Ran?”

[Ran] “It is an order from Lady Yukari”

[Yukari] “Are you ready?”

[Izuru] “Yes, my lady!”

[Ran] “I'm ready!”

[Chen] “Oh.. yes!”

Suddenly we all emanate an aura of our respective color (purple, indigo, orange and white)

[Everyone holding the sword] “Yakumo Family – Illusionary Sword!”

To that effect, the sword engraved its own name as all of us were holding it upon itself The process was relatively quick, even though Chen was not very happy with it, so to speak. As soon as it was over, our auras faded and we returned to normal.

[Izuru] “What now...?”

[Yukari] “It depends on what you're going to do with the sword now...”

Later, we decided to end the day as we always do since I arrived. Without even knowing it, a new era has begun for Gensokyo.


The Age of Eternal Devotion


from Nobody dreams of Gensokyo (誰も幻想郷の夢を見ない)

Late evening

I think I've had enough sightseeing in the region for now, since I'm going to be at Hakurei Shrine more often, that's not something I'm going to be worried about. So I decided to land slowly in the middle of the shrine.

[Izuru] “Good evening” “I have returned”

[Reimu] “Welcome back!” “How was your walk?”

[Izuru] “I had to deal with people who got upset with me for no reason.” “Of all of them, my problem was with two rabbit youkai in Eientei”

[Reimu] “Let me guess, Reisen and Tewi”

[Izuru] “Indeed, the first one pointed at me as if she were holding a firearm, until I told her my intentions.” “Eventually I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Yagokoro” “However, Tewi had to ruin it, but I stopped her in time”

[Reimu] “So you had the misfortune of finding Tewi” “Which seems a little ironic”

[Izuru] “The little I could do in self-defense was to use a spell card” “I'm not one to fight”

[Reimu] “I should have seen danmaku from here, but I didn't see anything...”

[Izuru] “I only caused a shock wave strong enough to push Tewi at least 20 meters away from me.” “As I already mentioned, it is only useful for self-defense”

[Reimu] “I'm interested but it's also... boring” “Even Marisa would be bored”

[Izuru] “Still, I was also talking to Mokou on my way to Eientei, and even Kaguya later as well.” “At least I could order from Kogasa too” “I'm fine and I'm alive to tell the tale”

[Yukari] “What's taking you so long...?”

[Izuru] “Oh, my lady” “Good evening”

[Yukari] “Good evening” “Did something happen with the request at the temple?”

[Izuru] “My lady, no, no problem, on the contrary, it is already underway” “The only completely strange thing was that not only did time pass quickly, but at the same time, it never passed.” “It took me a while to recover my composure after I left Eientei”

[Yukari] “You have done a good job, Izuru” “We should go home now”

[Izuru] “I understood, my lady” “I still haven't gotten tired of soaring the skies today” “What do you think, my lady?”

[Yukari] “That seems fine to me”

[Izuru] “After you”

[Yukari] “We'll be seeing you later, Reimu”

[Reimu] “See you”

Lady Yukari took off and I did the same after, almost anyone can fly in this region on their own, something I didn't realize until today. When I first learned to fly, I had offered to carry Lady Yukari, Ran, and Chen on my back. That was some time ago...

[Izuru] “My lady, I am seeing something unusual flying near us”

[Yukari] “Hmm? We're going over there”

[Izuru] “Yes, my lady!”

We approach it, a relatively long dragon and someone is riding it on its back. I wonder who it is...

[???] “Oh, it's Yukari...”

[Yukari] “What are you doing near the barrier?”

[???] “I was just roaming around, nothing else” “But who is the one going by your side?”

[Izuru] “I'm wondering the exact same thing about you”

[Yukari] “Izuru, she's Kasen Ibara” “Kasen, he's my servant, Izuru”

[Kasen] “A servant?” “Since when?”

[Izuru] “For some time now” “Pleased to meet you”

[Yukari] “He arrived from the outside world due to strange circumstances”

[Izuru] “I was on the verge of death, I couldn't move, I couldn't remember anything at all...” “If it hadn't been for Ran and Lady Yukari...” “I could have ended where the dead without relatives are buried”

[Kasen] “The way you say it, you were forgotten by the outside world.”

[Izuru] “Indeed, Ms. Kasen” “Also, I feel very comfortable here in Gensokyo” “I have no intention of going back there, this is my home now”

[Kasen] “I'm heading to Hakurei Shrine now, is Reimu there?”

[Yukari] “Yes, she is there” “See you, Kasen”

[Kasen] “See you, I guess” “You too, Izuru”

[Izuru] “Likewise, Ms. Kasen” “I'll be there more often from now on”

Kasen Ibara... seems to be an acquaintance of Lady Yukari I don't think it concerns me for now, as soon as that person said goodbye to us she went directly to the shrine. Lady Yukari, on the other hand, opened a gap, and I followed her.


We're back home now

[Ran] “Lady Yukari, welcome back!” “Izuru, you too!”

[Ayane] “Izuru-sama! Yukari-sama!” “Madoka, look!”

[Madoka] “Lady Yukari! My lord!”

[Izuru] “Good evening, Ran, Madoka and Ayane”

[Yukari] “Good evening” “You should go inside right now”

Today was a very long day for me, the events in Eientei left me tired So when I just got in, I went to my room to prepare my uniform for the next day, and then I told everyone that I was going to sleep.

[Yukari] “Ayane and Madoka, you will take Izuru's place starting tomorrow” “He will be at the Hakurei Shrine with Reimu.”

[Ayane and Madoka] “We understood, Lady Yukari”

[Yukari] “With that said...” “Good night, Izuru”

[Izuru] “Good night, my lady” “Same for you, Ran”

[Ran] “Good night, Izuru”

To be continued


from Nobody dreams of Gensokyo (誰も幻想郷の夢を見ない)

The aftermath to the off-season celebration

Last night, we ended up wasted at Hakurei Shrine, my head's still spinning from the drinking. Meanwhile, everyone including my mistress is still asleep.

It turns out that not only was it still quite late, but it was also about three or four in the morning. And for some reason, we're sleeping together inside a gap.

Without going any further I decided to continue sleeping, knowing that I couldn't go out anyway.


It must be about ten in the morning right now, I hear my mistress on the other side, certainly at the Hakurei Shrine. Ran and the others woke up before and now they're gone, looks like I was the last to wake up.

[Yukari] “Izuru, are you going out or what?” “Today may be your day off but you still have to get out of my gap”

[Izuru] “Good morning, my lady” “I'll be coming out”

I still feel dizzy, but I went outside nonetheless, it seems that I emerged towards the Hakurei Shrine. I wonder why now...

[Yukari] “It took you long enough” “Good morning”

[Reimu] “Morning, Izuru” “You should have breakfast”

[Izuru] “Good morning, Reimu” “A tea will just do, thank you”

[Yukari] “Are you going to do something in particular?” “Or are you going to travel like the other time?”

[Izuru] “So it seems, my lady”

[Yukari] “While you were sleeping, I was talking to Reimu”

[Reimu] “Izuru, help yourself!”

[Izuru] “I got you”

I went to get the cup of tea and then went back to Lady Yukari and Reimu.

[Izuru] “Did I miss something?”

[Reimu] “Pretty much” “Yukari insists that you can serve as a gatekeeper here”

[Izuru] “I wonder what the situation of Ayane and Madoka will be”

[Yukari] “In that case, they will take your place there”

[Izuru] “I would have to acquire a new sword, though” “Well, I don't see why not, my lady”

[Yukari] “It's settled then” “You can return home anytime, whenever you desire”

[Izuru] “That was a great tea” “I don't feel dizzy now”

[Reimu] “I'm glad, Izuru”

[Yukari] “Reimu, you should tell Izuru about the youkai blacksmith”

[Reimu] “But you could have... ugh, it's fine” “She is usually found in the Myouren Temple, her name is Kogasa Tatara” “I'm still in debt to her for my needles”

[Izuru] “I'll do just that then, maybe I will go to Eientei later, I think”

[Reimu] “Did you say what?” “In any case, be careful”

[Yukari] “So, we'll see you later, understood?”

[Izuru] “I understood perfectly, my lady” “I'm going to go now” “See you, my lady and Reimu!”

I left the Hakurei Shrine straight to the Myouren Temple, to meet that youkai. However, I was just flying over the village now and found company.

[???] “I found an angel, I found an angel!”

[Izuru] “Did you need to do so much hubbub?” “I'm hearing your screams from afar” “Anyway, my name is Izuru, if you are so desperate”

[???] “I am the reporter of the Bunbunmaru Newspaper, Aya Shameimaru!” “Are you by any chance the servant of Yukari?”

[Izuru] “In fact, yes, I am” “I've been living in Gensokyo for some time now”

[Aya] “Are you in the mood for a report?”

[Izuru] “Unfortunately not, maybe another time” “I'm on my way to the temple for work reasons, even though today is my day off”

[Aya] “Aww, that sucks” “I better go then, see you!”

I'm supposed to have seen her before, but I have most likely ignored her if anything. Oh well, I'm already arriving at the temple now.

[Izuru] “I might have to find the monk if I want to have some information first”

[???] “Who is that?”

[Izuru] “I assume you are the one who I'm looking for, right?” “Let me introduce myself, my name is Izuru”

[???] “That's right, my name is Byakuren Hijiri” “May I know why you came to interrupt us?”

[Izuru] “Hello, Ms. Byakuren” “I'm looking for a youkai blacksmith” “I was told she is around here”

[Byakuren] “Kogasa you mean?” “She is on the graveyard”

[Izuru] “That's all I need to know” “Thank you and sorry for my interruption”

[Byakuren] “Wait a moment, now that you mention it...” “You seem familiar, do you have something to do with that youkai of boundaries?”

[Izuru] “Yes, why?” “I have the honor to work for her”

[Byakuren] “And only now do I find out about that?”

[Izuru] “My lady doesn't have to say it if she doesn't want to” “I'm going to have to leave the topic”

[Byakuren] “At least let me guide you to the graveyard”

She decided to guide me to the place where Kogasa apparently is.

[Byakuren] “She must be around” “Pretend to be surprised by her at least”

[Izuru] “I understood”

Byakuren promptly left the place, back to her activities.

[???] “Surprise!”

[Izuru] “Huh?!”

[???] “Name's Kogasa!”

[Izuru] “Oh, there you are” “I come from Reimu's part, she told me about you” “My name is...” “Izuru Yakumo”

[Kogasa] “That frightens me even more than it should” “I can guess, do you come for my services?”

[Izuru] “Indeed” “I wonder if maybe, you could forge a katana for me” “Don't worry about the payment or the time, it's not an emergency”

[Kogasa] “Oh really?” “It would be a pleasure!”

[Izuru] “I will be more often at the Hakurei Shrine, so you can find me there, once you're done”

[Kogasa] “A week will do!” “I do much better work than any human being, you can count on that”

[Izuru] “You should meet my tsukumogami someday” “They're with Ran Yakumo right now”

[Kogasa] “How are they yours?”

[Izuru] “Well, the reason I came here, it's because of them” “I used to have two swords, until they gained a life and will of their own” “They seem to have loyalty towards me, and my mistress”

[Kogasa] “Well, ain't that something”

[Izuru] “I will be leaving now, I already interrupted Ms. Byakuren by being here” “See you sometime, Kogasa!”

[Kogasa] “See you!”

Eventually I left the temple, and went to Eientei.

[Izuru] “I think I'm seeing a youkai there in the forest...” “Guess I'll land first”

[???] “I'm seeing a youkai that I'm not familiar with.”

[Izuru] “You mean me?” “Servant of one of the sages of Gensokyo, Izuru Yakumo, pleased to meet you”

[???] “I am the guide of the Bamboo Forest of The Lost, Fujiwara no Mokou” “Also, I am not youkai, I am an immortal”

[Izuru] “I came here because I want to meet Dr. Yagokoro” “In other words, Eientei”

[Mokou] “How curious, I was just going to go there...” “You could join me, you look interesting”

[Izuru] “I really doubt you'd be interested about how I got to Gensokyo.”

[Mokou] “Oh, go ahead!”

Apparently she was also about to go to Eientei, but I don't know why, nor am I necessarily interested at the moment. So I joined her and we were talking until we arrived at the mansion where the doctor lives.

[Mokou] “We're here, Izuru”

[Izuru] “So this is Eientei...”

[Mokou] “I'm going to stay here for now, you can go on.”

[Izuru] “See you later, then”

A few moments later...

[???] “Stop right there!”

[Izuru] “Held at gunpoint, already...” “I'm only looking for the doctor”

[???] “My master?” “You wait here, I'll go right away”

[Izuru] “Alright...”

Apparently the youkai who targeted me also has the same occupation as me, and even Youmu. After all, I never came here until now...

[???] “Master, this youkai was looking for you!”

[???] “You must be Yukari's servant, am I right?”

[Izuru] “That's right”

[???] “Yukari told me that you were coming here” “I am Eirin Yagokoro, this is Reisen Udongein Inaba”

[Izuru] “My name's Izuru” “I had the thought of coming here some day” “Pleased to meet you, Dr. Yagokoro” “And you, Reisen, I guess...”

[Reisen] “A servant!?” “But how!?”

[Izuru] “Day off, and besides, I'm Ran's coworker” “Compared to her, who is usually around the border of Gensokyo and the village, I am in the residence, and I work all the time, every day” “And to be honest, I like this job, I never get tired of it”

[Reisen] “Your willpower is incredible” “Especially when it comes to none other than Yukari.”

[Eirin] “Have you come for something in particular?”

[Izuru] “Not necessarily”

[???] “Hehehehe”

[Izuru] “Reflective Barrier!”

[???] ”(thud)” “Trying to take someone by surprise, I was the one who was surprised instead...!”

[Izuru] “Excuse me, Dr. Yagokoro” “It was not my intention, it was just self-defense”

[Eirin] “Tewi, what a way to receive our guest!”

[Izuru] “Wait a minute, is she who I think she is?” “The White Hare of Inaba!?”

[Tewi] “There you have it” “All the rabbits around Eientei are under my command... except for Reisen (laughs)”

[Reisen] “Damn it, Tewi!”

[Eirin] “Stay still you two!” “Reisen, go make tea for our guest”

[Reisen] “Immediately, Master!”

[Eirin] “Please, can you come with me?”

[Izuru] “Very well, Dr. Yagokoro”

The doctor took me to who knows where in the mansion, and told me to wait there, then she left. Later, Reisen returned, and it seems that the owner of the mansion (and by extension Eientei), also found out about my visit.

[???] “Who do I have the pleasure of meeting?”

[Reisen] “Princess, he is Yukari Yakumo's servant, or so I think he is.”

[Izuru] “Izuru Yakumo, eternally devoted servant of Yukari Yakumo, pleasure to meet you”

[???] “My name is Kaguya Houraisan, a long time ago I was a princess of the Moon”

[Izuru] “I take it that you're an immortal as well?”

[Kaguya] “Precisely” “Eirin is also an immortal”

[Izuru] “And to think that meeting Fujiwara no Mokou before was having seen it all...” “Only to be proven wrong” “The little she told me about you is that you are enemies”

[Kaguya] “In effect, we have been murdering each other constantly, every day for just over three centuries.” “And in fact, we still do” “Since we can't die anyway, this is how we entertain ourselves”

[Eirin] “Princess!”

[Kaguya] “Oh, Eirin” “I found Reisen running in a hurry”

[Izuru] “I enjoyed this tea” “It was an honor to be here, but now I have to go”

[Kaguya] “Reisen, can you guide him outside?”

[Izuru] “Excuse me if I caused any fuss.” “See you sometime, Doctor Yagokoro, Princess Kaguya”

[Eirin] “If you have any health problem, you can always come here”

[Kaguya] “Oh, see you”

After once again losing track of time, I left Eientei and returned to Hakurei Shrine.

To be continued


from Nobody dreams of Gensokyo (誰も幻想郷の夢を見ない)

The arrival of the new full moon in Gensokyo

Some time has passed since my rebirth in the shrine, although nothing special is happening today right now. However, I decided to do housework with my tsukumogami, while Lady Yukari, Ran and Chen are away.

[Ayane] “What a way to be bored, my lord.”

[Madoka] “Likewise”

[Izuru] “Well, someone has to take care of the house we live in, right?” “That's our job”

[Madoka] “Luckily we have the rest of the day to do whatever we want.”

[Ayane] “On second thought, we could go outside, right?”

[Izuru] “It's okay, I'll stay in here” “Oh, I almost forgot, the Hakurei shrine maiden hasn't met you yet.” “No one else knows you apart from the people of the netherworld, and obviously Lady Yukari and the others”

[Ayane] “I want to go meet her”

[Madoka] “She won't be angry if she finds out?”

[Izuru] “A part of me thinks the same as Madoka” “Something tells me the balance is at risk again” “Although, that started when I arrived here in the first place” “However, since I met Reimu that time, she had no intention of getting me out of the way, because I work for Lady Yukari after all.”

[Ayane] “My lord, it seems that Lady Yukari is outside”

[Izuru] “Is she already here?” “Let's go outside then”

A few moments later...

[Izuru] “Welcome back, Lady Yukari!”

[Yukari] “Oh, hello” “The day went by pretty quickly today”

[Ayane] “Oh, Lady Yukari!” “Can we tell you something?”

[Yukari] “Very well”

[Ayane] “Can we go to Hakurei Shrine tonight together?”

[Madoka] “And also meet the shrine maiden?”

[Yukari] “Huh, wow” “Coincidentally I just came from there” “But she still doesn't know anything about you” “I wouldn't see why not, besides, today the full moon is coming”

[Ayane] “Thank you very much, Lady Yukari!”

[Izuru] “I see their cheerful faces, my lady.” “By the way, do you know where Ran is?”

[Yukari] “Doing the usual, why?”

[Izuru] “Oh, nothing in particular, my lady”

[Yukari] “Maybe we'll meet her and Chen on the way to the shrine”

[Izuru] “Sounds good, my lady”

It's seven in the afternoon, and it's getting dark The sun sets, and the moon appears I am sitting next to Lady Yukari, looking at the tsukumogami, and contemplating the dusk. Sometimes I think about visiting other places in Gensokyo in my free time, although this sounds too out of context


Ah well, it's late enough to go to the shrine.

[Yukari] “Are you three going to Hakurei Shrine?”

[Izuru] “I have forgotten” “Yes, let's go there, my lady”

Each went inside their own gap, all created by Lady Yukari, straight to the shrine. Little did Ran know about this happening, we instantly emerged from the gaps right near her.

[Ran] “Lady Yukari, Izuru, it's you!” “You scared me”

[Izuru] “Hello again, Ran” “The girls wanted to go to the Hakurei Shrine”

[Ran] “What do you mean?”

[Ayane and Madoka] “Behind you!”

[Ran] “Waaah!” “Not again!”

[Yukari] ”(laughs)” “You look silly, Ran” “Don't you want to go with us?”

[Ran] ”(sigh)” “Alright”

[Chen] “Lady Ran!”

[Ran] ”(falls)”

[Izuru] “(joins his mistress's laughter)” “There are no two without tree”

[Yukari] ”(regains her composure)” “It's enough!”

We got out of hand laughing at Ran, a little later we arrived at the shrine.

[Reimu] “Yukari, are you back so soon?”

[Yukari] “But this time I'm not alone”

[Reimu] “Oh, I see” “Welcome back, Izuru, Ran and Chen!” “Somehow I can't explain my sudden change of mood”

[Izuru] “Greetings, Reimu” “But you're forgetting someone else” “Tsukumogami, reveal yourselves!”

[Ayane] ”(releases a blast of light)”

[Madoka] ”(causes a short-lasted tremor)”

[Reimu] “What's going on?”

[Izuru] “Reimu, they are the spirits possessing my swords, Ayane and Madoka” “Ayane and Madoka, she's the current Hakurei shrine maiden, Reimu Hakurei”

[Ayane] “Greetings!”

[Madoka] “Hi!”

[Reimu] “I figured they were, having seen how you summoned them” ”(sigh)” “There goes my good mood” “Hi, you two”

[Izuru] “My apologies, Reimu”

[Marisa] “Whoa, whoa, what happened?” “Wow, Yukari and the others, huh?” “But who are the other two?”

[Izuru] “Greetings, Marisa” “Where did your manners go?”

[Marisa] “Izuru, it's been so long!”

[Izuru] “I know, right”

[Reimu] “These two are tsukumogami, Marisa” “Both coming from Izuru's swords”

[Ayane] “That's right”

[Madoka] “In any case, pleased to meet you”

[Yukari] “If I tell you how they appeared you would be surprised”

[Reimu] “Those swords were never ordinary in the first place?”

[Yukari] “That's one way to put it” “Certainly my servant can explain it better”

[Izuru] “That's right” “It happened during my visit to Hakugyokurou” “In particular, when I was sparring with Youmu”

[Reimu] “You did what?”

[Izuru] “Just like I said” “They appeared as soon as I felt Lady Yukari's presence.”

[Yukari] “Reimu, I'm surprised you don't remember where those swords come from.”

[Reimu] “Actually no, I didn't pay attention” “But I do remember the silver knife, was there something special about that?”

[Yukari] “The same knife turned a century old that night” “It was only a matter of time”

[Reimu] “That's surprising”

[Yukari] “That aside, we didn't come here for nothing”

[Izuru] “It's the full moon...” “Isn't it beautiful, my lady?”

[Yukari] “That's right, indeed”

[Izuru] “It is as much as you are” “Forgive me if that sounded out of place, my lady.”

[Yukari] “It wasn't necessary, Izuru...” “You flatter me when I least expect it”

[Izuru] “Ran, is something wrong?”

[Ran] “I don't know, I'm a little tired”

[Izuru] “Too bad we are not in the right season” “Anyway, should we go inside?”

[Reimu] “I suppose so”

Lady Yukari did her thing, that being, bringing bottles of sake from who knows where Neither of Marisa and Reimu were naturally surprised by that, of course.

Meanwhile, who wouldn't get hungry after working during the day? That is the case of Ran and the others, including me.

[Marisa] “Oh boy!” “I'll be helping myself!”

[Izuru] “Quite the work day today” “I'll do the same”

[Ayane] “Madoka and I, too!”

[Madoka] ”(nods)”

[Ran] “Don't forget about me!”

[Yukari] “For an out of season celebration, this doesn't sound so bad”

[Reimu] “If you say so, Yukari”

Who would say that one could live only drinking alcohol from time to time, no? I poured myself another round of sake and then continued until exhaustion. The tsukumogami were able to hold it for longer, but they also got tired.

Lady Yukari on the other hand is visibly drunk

[Izuru] “Geez, I won't be waking up well tomorrow”

[Reimu] “You better take a day off” “It's not like you do anything else over there, right?”

[Izuru] “At least I am not lazy, Reimu”

[Marisa] “Hahaha, take that!”

I'm hungry so I thought I could make food by myself.

[Izuru] “Reimu, do you mind me being on the kitchen?”

[Reimu] “Eh okay” “I wasn't going to do anything anyway”

Some time later, I went for something different, for a change of pace. Making omelettes was what I had in mind for today


Well, I'm done, I've got to serve now

[Izuru] “The meal's ready!”

[Reimu] “Whoa, already?” “What did you do?”

[Izuru] “Omelettes” “And there are enough for everyone”

[Marisa] “That looks tasty!”

[Ran] “You surprise me yet again, Izuru”

[Izuru] “I don't feel it would be right for a Yakumo to not be able to cook” “In my opinion, at least”

[Yukari] “It's delicious!”

[Ayane] “My lord doesn't disappoint anyone”

[Madoka] “It's pleasant”

[Chen] “I like this”

What a way to celebrate this event, I never expected this result. Could it be that happiness really is being with the ones you want? I may never find the answer, but I don't care. Gensokyo gave me everything, and naturally, I give it back.

To be continued.


from Nobody dreams of Gensokyo (誰も幻想郷の夢を見ない)

The six members of the Yakumo family ~ Netherworld Arc

I've been feeling very strange after Ayane and Madoka showed up, partly because they are now going to live with us in the Yakumo residence, and partly because Ran is going to be jealous of me, if she realizes...

They both refer to me in the same way that Chen does to Ran, and by extension, to Lady Yukari. I think my visit to the netherworld gave them a life of their own, because until then, both katanas seemed to be completely normal, since I became a youkai.

It seems ironic that this happens in a place where the spirits of the dead are, and also someone whose ability is to kill.


From that night on, everything happened very suddenly; awakening my own ability, and now a duo of tsukumogami, practically all of that in a month or so. Could that be a side effect from the eternal devotion I swore to my master? Does she have such an strong influence over it? I have to relax if I don't want to explode.


Huh? Does Ayane want to try to contact me?

[Ayane] “My lord, what is it that has you so nervous?”

[Izuru] “A myriad of things run through my mind...” “Although I have already gotten used to Gensokyo, this caught me by surprise, Ayane” “You are practically the same age as me, not counting my past life, which I'm unable to remember, and left behind”

[Ayane] “Maybe you have grown stronger, to the point of Madoka and I appearing” “However, you are the only one who should know the answer, my lord.”

[Izuru] “Who knows...” “Ayane, we're about to get home” “Let's surprise Ran and Chen”

[Ayane] “Sounds good”

I finally got (or should I say, we got) home, and it's already night...

[Izuru] “Lady Yukari, I'm back”

[Yukari] “Welcome back, Izuru” “Please come here, Ran and Chen”

[Ran] “Right away!”

[Chen] “On the way!”

[Yukari] “Izuru, call them, please”

[Izuru] “Alright, my lady” “Spirits inhabiting my katanas, I summon you!”

As soon as I said that, they appeared; Ayane to my left, and Madoka to my right.

[Ran] “Izuru, who are they?”

[Izuru] “Ran, these are Ayane and Madoka, the spirits inhabiting my katanas”

[Ran] “H-How?” “Welcome, I am Izuru's co-worker, Ran Yakumo” “And this is Chen, my shikigami”

[Chen] “Hi!”

[Ran] “Lady Yukari, did you... already know them?”

[Yukari] “That's right, I gave them their names myself.”

[Izuru] “It was at Hakugyokurou, on the Netherworld”

[Ayane and Madoka] “We're pleased to meet you”

[Madoka] “We will live here with you” “I hope we are not a problem”

[Ayane] “We will be in the same room as Izuru-sama”

[Yukari] “It better be that way, I wouldn't want to scold Izuru”

[Ayane] “Understood, Lady Yukari!”

[Izuru] “Ayane, Madoka, please go to my room”

[Ayane] “Yes, my lord”

[Madoka] “Yes, Izuru-sama”

[Yukari] “Izuru, let's go to my room”

[Izuru] “Yes, my lady”

I immediately followed Lady Yukari to her room, and for some reason, I'm already feeling chills.

[Yukari] “Izuru, remember the silver knife you used that night?”

[Izuru] “The one that gave rise to the two swords?” “Yes, why?”

[Yukari] “That particular knife was about to become a tsukumogami anyway, because it was already a hundred years old.” “However, when you used it, you delayed its process for some time”

[Izuru] “So Youmu's theory is true, huh” “...”

[Yukari] “Although I didn't expect two tsukumogami to come out instead of just one.” “Or even their first appearance in the Netherworld”

[Izuru] “There is something I don't understand, why then do they have loyalty towards me?” “I mean, I don't question their loyalty to you.”

[Yukari] “Maybe because until now, you've been the only one who had them all this time.” “You just have to get used to it”

[Izuru] “When you left Hakygyokurou, Ms. Yuyuko told me something similar” “And I am willing to accept it, just as I did the day you let me live with you.”

[Yukari] “Izuru, I will count on you”

[Izuru] “Thank you very much, my lady” “...” “Lady Yukari?”

[Yukari] “You want to tell me something?” “Go ahead”

[Izuru] “I don't know why, but sometimes I feel like this is all too good to be true...” “Like being in heaven” “These thoughts torment me from time to time”

[Yukari] “It seems that you still remember what happened to you in the outside world” “Unfortunately, there's not much I can do about it, Izuru.”

[Izuru] “That doesn't matter anymore, Lady Yukari” “Why should I even complain about my past?” “Life and more importantly, you, gave me a new opportunity”

[Yukari] “For some things you are like a child” “Don't you think?”

[Izuru] “That's right, my lady” “In the outside world, it would be too much to ask for” “The human beings over there love to make their own lives difficult.”

[Yukari] “Another thing, Izuru”

[Izuru] “Do you need something, my lady?”

[Yukari] “It would be a good idea if you can make uniforms for Ayane and Madoka, don't you think?”

[Izuru] “Yes, my lady!” “I will do it right now!”

Just as I was about to get up and go to my room, Lady Yukari held one of my hands with hers. My mistress's hands are warm, as if expressing sincerity.

[Yukari] “Keep giving it your all as always”

[Izuru] “Yes, my lady”

I slowly left the room, and headed to make the uniforms for the tsukumogami.

[Ayane] “Izuru-sama, you have taken your time”

[Madoka] “What are you going to do, Izuru-sama?”

[Izuru] “Your uniforms” “It won't take long, if you cooperate” “Do you want a particular emblem?”

[Ayane] “A crack in the earth”

[Izuru] “And you, Madoka?”

[Madoka] “A flower on fire”

[Izuru] “Very good, although a little eccentric”

Immediately, I got to work on the uniforms, which were largely inspired by the one Youmu wears. Thank goodness neither of them refused to cooperate with myself on the task.


It's done...

[Izuru] “Very good, you can change now” “I'll leave the room now, you can find me in the living room when you're done.”

[Ayane and Madoka] “We understood, my lord!”

They really don't look like being a hundred years old, as Lady Yukari stated. Meanwhile, I'm having a conversation with Ran in the living room.

[Ran] “I must admit that I'm a little jealous” “And also too fast...”

[Izuru] “I understand you, Ran” “I didn't even expect it, either”

[Ran] “Their personalities almost resemble yours”

[Izuru] “It must have been a product of contact with my own blood back then, who knows...” “As long as they don't cause any disasters in the house, it should be fine.” “Otherwise, Lady Yukari will be angry with me...”

[Ran] “Like getting hit with her parasol?” “It's happened to me a couple times, for disobeying her”

[Izuru] “That must have hurt” “I am only a shikigami in name, in comparison” “But that doesn't invalidate the fact that I'm a servant”

[Ran] “It's true, Izuru” “But what about your 'Shikigami Mode' ability?”

[Izuru] “It's much more limited than you think.” “However...” “Now I have more reasons to train myself in this matter” “Particularly the part where I would feel exhausted after prolonged exposure”

[Ran] “Ah, that kind of limitation...” “I guess you would need Lady Yukari for that”

[Izuru] “Speak of the devil”

Our mistress appeared in the living room, another example of what boredom can do to someone.

[Yukari] “I heard what you were talking about” “Izuru, you know that Ran can also use shikigami, right?”

[Izuru] “I know, my lady” “Oh, look who's coming”

Ayane and Madoka came to the living room, just as I thought.

[Ayane and Madoka] “We are ready!”

[Yukari] “What a choice you made, Izuru” “They don't look bad at all, though”

[Ayane] “We chose our own emblems, too”

[Madoka] “Indeed”

[Ran] “Wow, you learned fast”

[Yukari] “That's called dedication” “He really took it to heart” “Don't get me wrong, Ran”

[Ran] “I get it, Lady Yukari”

[Izuru] “I just do my job, my lady”

[Ran] “The colors of the uniforms are the ones that Reimu uses, right?”

[Izuru] “In Madoka's case, yes” “On the other hand, Ayane's is orange”

[Yukari] “I'm hungry, after all this time I feel a little tired...” “Do you want something, Izuru?”

[Izuru] “It would be enough for me to drink sake today”

[Ayane] “Miso katsu, please!”

[Madoka] “Hey Ayane, don't keep it to yourself!”

[Izuru] “You two, don't make trouble”

[Ayane] “Y-Yes!”

[Yukari] “I think I'm going to grab something from the outside world, like last time” ”...” “Three bottles of sake, and miso katsu!” “Enjoy yourselves!”

In my life I will have had moments that I can treasure like this; I mean, in my previous life, I had very few of them, and some time later they were just gray moments at best until my presumed death in the outside world

Although it may not seem like it, now I am able to remember, but there is no point now, I have never been as happy as these last three months, and I want them to last forever

[Yukari] “It's too late now, it's time to sleep!” “But today we are all going to my room!”

[Everyone else] “Wait, Lady Yukari!”

The six of us all went to sleep together, like the family we are.

To be continued


from mima

So it has begun, huh...

This is in response to this unwarranted #fediblock post by a user in that Mastodon instance:

Their reason being is that I am hosting a follow bot, and that I am interacting with people from the “big bad” instances.

It is true that I am using a follow bot which I named VIVIT. And to be honest I really don't like this idea at all; in an age where relays exist this shouldn't be a thing anymore. But unfortunately GoToSocial does not support relays (and I even tried to workaround this by following group accounts from and, but apparently their software doesn't federate well with GTS, with guppe being confirmed due to an outdated library they're using) and the only realistic way for a GTS instance like Kishinjou to federate with more servers is to follow people. I've limited my mass following to admins of instances compiled from lists of instances federated to (4000+) and (30000+, incomplete), and later the vast majority of my bot's follows are to's by-instance users (which prompted the FediBuzz operator to cut down on the follows, I am working on that). All of this is public information; I've not gone out of my way to make it follow all users of an instance (even if it's public, and there's a way more elegant way anyway which is the fedibuzz solution as mentioned earlier). So I am not sure why this is a big deal to this user. If there's a way better solution that you think is less annoying and will work within GTS' limits, please let me know.

As for the interactions with the “bad” instances, it's none of your business. I will interact with anyone as I please, and I will personally block anyone who I think are annoying me. That's just how the internet works. Btw it's quite interesting that their example linked to a Makai thread where I have given pretty clear hints to that nyanide user that I am not getting into that “climate justice bad” bullshit. And not a single piece of evidence where I am saying some nasty stuff, of course. Purely guilt by association.

Anyway I've put infosec in hesitations for now as it seems the admin hasn't defederated from us (thankfully). This could change however, depending on what the admin does. And I sincerely hope we do not have to put them into our censures and could just drop them from our hesitations list. If they want to talk to me, my Kishinjou and Makai are open to DMs.


from mima

Since Fediseer seems to now recognize who the admin of a GoToSocial instance is (it used to not work), and I'm now admin of Kishinjou, I've taken the liberty to claim our GTS instance there as well, to augment our limited amount of guarantees for Makai.

If you're a friend I often interact with who is in an instance that doesn't have a guarantee yet, feel free to ask me! I will most likely give you one (as long as I still have a slot of course). :)

As of writing I have guaranteed:



  • (Reason: funny people,touhou)
  • (Reason: funny people,tengu,marisa)
  • (Reason: funny people,burenyuu)
  • (Reason: funny people,touhou,bnuuy)
  • (Reason: cool admin,sharkey)
  • (Reason: touhou,ryuko)
  • (Reason: cool admin,BSD,touhou,yuyuko)
  • (Reason: cool admin,fox)
  • (Reason: cool admin)
  • (Reason: funny people,yaseenism)
  • (Reason: cool admin)
  • (Reason: cool admin,touhou,tengu)
  • (Reason: cool admin)
  • (Reason: ShadowJonathan cool mod,funny people)
  • (Reason: largest fediverse instance in Japan,many good touhou art)
  • (Reason: cool admin,touhou,raymoo)
  • (Reason: only fediverse instance physically located in the Philippines,Philippines,Filipino,university,academic)

And hesitated on:


from Instance admin notices

Censured instances

See the already existing blocklist

Endorsed instances

Hesitated instances


Almost forgot to mention, the list Mima sent to me exceeded the 20 instances count, and this is the result of myself filtering them out


from Instance admin notices

After an struggle with the #Misskey API on Mima (moderator) and db0 (the developer of #Fediseer), I have been able to claim the instance on its frontend.

We have been granted a guarantee from, while at it, I also did the same for Shining Needle Castle.

Every other decision will be coordinated by Mima and myself. Stay tuned!


from Instance admin notices

So far here is the defederation list as of right now:

  • (Known for mass defederations and harassment)
  • (Close allies to .art)
  • (the instance admin responds aggresively against killing his bot)
    • I made this bot and it is serving its intended purpose, now kindly fuck off you whiny nigger 😂
  • (Close allies to .art)
  • (Instance managed by the creator of, slander, harassment, death threats, etc)
  • (Close allies to .art)