Episode 26

The six members of the Yakumo family ~ Netherworld Arc

I've been feeling very strange after Ayane and Madoka showed up, partly because they are now going to live with us in the Yakumo residence, and partly because Ran is going to be jealous of me, if she realizes...

They both refer to me in the same way that Chen does to Ran, and by extension, to Lady Yukari. I think my visit to the netherworld gave them a life of their own, because until then, both katanas seemed to be completely normal, since I became a youkai.

It seems ironic that this happens in a place where the spirits of the dead are, and also someone whose ability is to kill.


From that night on, everything happened very suddenly; awakening my own ability, and now a duo of tsukumogami, practically all of that in a month or so. Could that be a side effect from the eternal devotion I swore to my master? Does she have such an strong influence over it? I have to relax if I don't want to explode.


Huh? Does Ayane want to try to contact me?

[Ayane] “My lord, what is it that has you so nervous?”

[Izuru] “A myriad of things run through my mind...” “Although I have already gotten used to Gensokyo, this caught me by surprise, Ayane” “You are practically the same age as me, not counting my past life, which I'm unable to remember, and left behind”

[Ayane] “Maybe you have grown stronger, to the point of Madoka and I appearing” “However, you are the only one who should know the answer, my lord.”

[Izuru] “Who knows...” “Ayane, we're about to get home” “Let's surprise Ran and Chen”

[Ayane] “Sounds good”

I finally got (or should I say, we got) home, and it's already night...

[Izuru] “Lady Yukari, I'm back”

[Yukari] “Welcome back, Izuru” “Please come here, Ran and Chen”

[Ran] “Right away!”

[Chen] “On the way!”

[Yukari] “Izuru, call them, please”

[Izuru] “Alright, my lady” “Spirits inhabiting my katanas, I summon you!”

As soon as I said that, they appeared; Ayane to my left, and Madoka to my right.

[Ran] “Izuru, who are they?”

[Izuru] “Ran, these are Ayane and Madoka, the spirits inhabiting my katanas”

[Ran] “H-How?” “Welcome, I am Izuru's co-worker, Ran Yakumo” “And this is Chen, my shikigami”

[Chen] “Hi!”

[Ran] “Lady Yukari, did you... already know them?”

[Yukari] “That's right, I gave them their names myself.”

[Izuru] “It was at Hakugyokurou, on the Netherworld”

[Ayane and Madoka] “We're pleased to meet you”

[Madoka] “We will live here with you” “I hope we are not a problem”

[Ayane] “We will be in the same room as Izuru-sama”

[Yukari] “It better be that way, I wouldn't want to scold Izuru”

[Ayane] “Understood, Lady Yukari!”

[Izuru] “Ayane, Madoka, please go to my room”

[Ayane] “Yes, my lord”

[Madoka] “Yes, Izuru-sama”

[Yukari] “Izuru, let's go to my room”

[Izuru] “Yes, my lady”

I immediately followed Lady Yukari to her room, and for some reason, I'm already feeling chills.

[Yukari] “Izuru, remember the silver knife you used that night?”

[Izuru] “The one that gave rise to the two swords?” “Yes, why?”

[Yukari] “That particular knife was about to become a tsukumogami anyway, because it was already a hundred years old.” “However, when you used it, you delayed its process for some time”

[Izuru] “So Youmu's theory is true, huh” “...”

[Yukari] “Although I didn't expect two tsukumogami to come out instead of just one.” “Or even their first appearance in the Netherworld”

[Izuru] “There is something I don't understand, why then do they have loyalty towards me?” “I mean, I don't question their loyalty to you.”

[Yukari] “Maybe because until now, you've been the only one who had them all this time.” “You just have to get used to it”

[Izuru] “When you left Hakygyokurou, Ms. Yuyuko told me something similar” “And I am willing to accept it, just as I did the day you let me live with you.”

[Yukari] “Izuru, I will count on you”

[Izuru] “Thank you very much, my lady” “...” “Lady Yukari?”

[Yukari] “You want to tell me something?” “Go ahead”

[Izuru] “I don't know why, but sometimes I feel like this is all too good to be true...” “Like being in heaven” “These thoughts torment me from time to time”

[Yukari] “It seems that you still remember what happened to you in the outside world” “Unfortunately, there's not much I can do about it, Izuru.”

[Izuru] “That doesn't matter anymore, Lady Yukari” “Why should I even complain about my past?” “Life and more importantly, you, gave me a new opportunity”

[Yukari] “For some things you are like a child” “Don't you think?”

[Izuru] “That's right, my lady” “In the outside world, it would be too much to ask for” “The human beings over there love to make their own lives difficult.”

[Yukari] “Another thing, Izuru”

[Izuru] “Do you need something, my lady?”

[Yukari] “It would be a good idea if you can make uniforms for Ayane and Madoka, don't you think?”

[Izuru] “Yes, my lady!” “I will do it right now!”

Just as I was about to get up and go to my room, Lady Yukari held one of my hands with hers. My mistress's hands are warm, as if expressing sincerity.

[Yukari] “Keep giving it your all as always”

[Izuru] “Yes, my lady”

I slowly left the room, and headed to make the uniforms for the tsukumogami.

[Ayane] “Izuru-sama, you have taken your time”

[Madoka] “What are you going to do, Izuru-sama?”

[Izuru] “Your uniforms” “It won't take long, if you cooperate” “Do you want a particular emblem?”

[Ayane] “A crack in the earth”

[Izuru] “And you, Madoka?”

[Madoka] “A flower on fire”

[Izuru] “Very good, although a little eccentric”

Immediately, I got to work on the uniforms, which were largely inspired by the one Youmu wears. Thank goodness neither of them refused to cooperate with myself on the task.


It's done...

[Izuru] “Very good, you can change now” “I'll leave the room now, you can find me in the living room when you're done.”

[Ayane and Madoka] “We understood, my lord!”

They really don't look like being a hundred years old, as Lady Yukari stated. Meanwhile, I'm having a conversation with Ran in the living room.

[Ran] “I must admit that I'm a little jealous” “And also too fast...”

[Izuru] “I understand you, Ran” “I didn't even expect it, either”

[Ran] “Their personalities almost resemble yours”

[Izuru] “It must have been a product of contact with my own blood back then, who knows...” “As long as they don't cause any disasters in the house, it should be fine.” “Otherwise, Lady Yukari will be angry with me...”

[Ran] “Like getting hit with her parasol?” “It's happened to me a couple times, for disobeying her”

[Izuru] “That must have hurt” “I am only a shikigami in name, in comparison” “But that doesn't invalidate the fact that I'm a servant”

[Ran] “It's true, Izuru” “But what about your 'Shikigami Mode' ability?”

[Izuru] “It's much more limited than you think.” “However...” “Now I have more reasons to train myself in this matter” “Particularly the part where I would feel exhausted after prolonged exposure”

[Ran] “Ah, that kind of limitation...” “I guess you would need Lady Yukari for that”

[Izuru] “Speak of the devil”

Our mistress appeared in the living room, another example of what boredom can do to someone.

[Yukari] “I heard what you were talking about” “Izuru, you know that Ran can also use shikigami, right?”

[Izuru] “I know, my lady” “Oh, look who's coming”

Ayane and Madoka came to the living room, just as I thought.

[Ayane and Madoka] “We are ready!”

[Yukari] “What a choice you made, Izuru” “They don't look bad at all, though”

[Ayane] “We chose our own emblems, too”

[Madoka] “Indeed”

[Ran] “Wow, you learned fast”

[Yukari] “That's called dedication” “He really took it to heart” “Don't get me wrong, Ran”

[Ran] “I get it, Lady Yukari”

[Izuru] “I just do my job, my lady”

[Ran] “The colors of the uniforms are the ones that Reimu uses, right?”

[Izuru] “In Madoka's case, yes” “On the other hand, Ayane's is orange”

[Yukari] “I'm hungry, after all this time I feel a little tired...” “Do you want something, Izuru?”

[Izuru] “It would be enough for me to drink sake today”

[Ayane] “Miso katsu, please!”

[Madoka] “Hey Ayane, don't keep it to yourself!”

[Izuru] “You two, don't make trouble”

[Ayane] “Y-Yes!”

[Yukari] “I think I'm going to grab something from the outside world, like last time” ”...” “Three bottles of sake, and miso katsu!” “Enjoy yourselves!”

In my life I will have had moments that I can treasure like this; I mean, in my previous life, I had very few of them, and some time later they were just gray moments at best until my presumed death in the outside world

Although it may not seem like it, now I am able to remember, but there is no point now, I have never been as happy as these last three months, and I want them to last forever

[Yukari] “It's too late now, it's time to sleep!” “But today we are all going to my room!”

[Everyone else] “Wait, Lady Yukari!”

The six of us all went to sleep together, like the family we are.

To be continued