Episode 30

The Yakumo Family Sword ~ Finale

It's been a week since I've been a gatekeeper at Hakurei Shrine, the tsukumogami are doing well with their work at the residence, but something else was missing... However, just as I expected, I saw Kogasa in the Torii gate of the shrine.

[Kogasa] “Phew” “This was one hell of a job”

[Reimu] “Hey, Kogasa!” “Izuru, come here!”

[Izuru] “I'm on my way!” “...” “Good morning, Kogasa!”

[Kogasa] “Oh, good morning!” “I was able to complete your order, here it is”

[Izuru] “You did it well” “How much is it?”

[Kogasa] “Eh? Are you serious?” “In that case, 1000 yen would be more than enough”

[Izuru] “Alright, here you go.” “I appreciate your work”

[Reimu] “Izuru, since when do you get paid?”

[Izuru] “Lady Yukari gives me money in exchange for my work from time to time” “But I don't need that to prove my devotion to her”

[Reimu] “Huh, and you hardly ever spend it, even” “Could you make me a favor?”

[Izuru] “If it has anything to do with your sealing needles, I have no problem”

[Reimu] “I'd be glad!”

[Kogasa] “Hey, I'm still here” “That will be 1500 yen” “I had myself forgotten about your tab, Reimu”

[Izuru] “Very well, here” “Thank you, Kogasa”

[Kogasa] “You're welcome!” “Now if you will excuse me, I've got to surprise people!” “See you!”

[Reimu] “I'm still in debt...”

[Izuru] “Oh, don't worry” “What are friends for, anyway?”

[Reimu] “Thanks, Izuru!”

[Izuru] “Now I'll have to tell Lady Yukari and the others” “If I find them in the first place, that is...”

[Reimu] “I think she must be asleep right now” “Or is she?”

[Izuru] “There's only one way to find out” “I'll be right back!”

[Reimu] “See you!”

With the order already delivered, I went home to tell Lady Yukari about it.

[Ayane] “Good morning, my lord” “Lady Yukari is still asleep on her room” “Huh, what is that?”

[Izuru] “Good morning” “It's something that Lady Yukari told me to do the past week”

Without further dialogue, I rushed to Lady Yukari's room

[Izuru] “Lady Yukari, Lady Yukari!”

[Yukari] ”(yawn)” “Who dares to wake me up at this hour...” “Is it you, Izuru?”

[Izuru] “Yes, my lady!” “The order from the youkai blacksmith has arrived today, and I have it right now” “Oh, good morning, by the way”

[Yukari] “Now I'm interested” “Let me see it”

Immediately after telling Lady Yukari, I handed her the sword

[Yukari] “It looks like Youmu's, but at the same time, it's different” “She did a good job” “You can have it back, Izuru”

[Izuru] “I'm going back to Hakurei Shrine now, please excuse my interruption.” “See you later, my lady”

[Yukari] “I don't mind, coming from you” “See you, Izuru”

Even though I hadn't asked for it, Lady Yukari warped me to the Hakurei Shrine with a gap, then she continued sleeping.

[Izuru] “Huh? A letter from Lady Yukari?”

You should return home tonight This is due to an event that concerns only us All of us have to be there, including Ran and Chen. ~Yukari Yakumo

[Izuru] “What did she try to mean with that...?” “Well, her wishes are orders, I'll go find Ran then”

Fortunately, Ran was located near the shrine, and bumped into her

[Ran] “Oh, hi!”

[Izuru] “Greetings, Ran” “It's a letter from Lady Yukari” “I have yet to understand what she means by that”

[Ran] “Have you been at home recently?”

[Izuru] “Indeed, I was” “Too bad that I had to interrupt Lady Yukari's sleep” “Brushing that aside, how have you been doing?”

[Ran] “Looking after the barrier, as usual” “And you?”

[Izuru] “On the shrine grounds, doing what Reimu doesn't want to do, mostly” “Sometimes it baffles me, as in who is the laziest”

[Ran] “Maybe because Gensokyo has been relatively peaceful, who knows” “No incidents besides what you did on the shrine, to put it that way” “One had happened long before your arrival, and I was the only one who actually did something”

[Izuru] “The yama will get mad at me, for sure” “Eh, whatever” “I'll be returning to the shrine now, then”

[Ran] “We could return together home”

[Izuru] “Maybe, either that, or Lady Yukari pulling us into her gaps” “See you, Ran”

[Ran] “Later, Izuru”

It's nearly afternoon now, I already returned to the Hakurei Shrine, meanwhile, Reimu drinking tea for the nth time...

[Izuru] “Are you slacking off again, Reimu?”

[Reimu] “Geez, first Yukari and now you, what the hell” “It took you a while to return”

[Izuru] “Well, I had to wake up Lady Yukari, she was asleep as usual” “She might be awake by now, the tsukumogami are at home, too”

[Reimu] “Do you mean the sword spirits?” “Who would have thought, that they ended up taking your place over there...”

[Izuru] “Unlike my coworkers and myself, neither are bound by a contract” “However, their loyalty to Lady Yukari is only natural”

[Reimu] “How so?”

[Izuru] “She was the original owner of the knife I used, in the first place” “Their loyalty to me is likely due to my own blood”

[Reimu] “It really is about as weird as it sounds” “A-Anyway, would you mind helping me with lunch?”

[Izuru] “I don't mind” “I've been kind of bored of flying to the gate and back to the roof”

To my own amusement (and Reimu's dismay), no one other than Lady Yukari appeared on the shrine. As expected from her, she came with the usual work dress.

[Yukari] “Hello again, Izuru” “And you, Reimu”

[Izuru] “Good afternoon, my lady” “How have you been doing?”

[Yukari] “I only woke up some time ago, but fine otherwise” “And you, Izuru?”

[Izuru] “I was just going to help Reimu with lunch”

[Reimu] “Yeah... (sigh)”

[Yukari] “I have a better idea, I'll summon Ran instead” “Izuru, do you plan to give the sword a name?”

[Izuru] “I thought of naming it the 'Heavenly Yakumo Family Sword'”

[Yukari] “Sounds like a too long name for it, in my opinion”

Leaving that aside, Lady Yukari brought Ran, meanwhile, I'm thinking of other names for the sword.

[Ran] “Lady Yukari, is something amiss?”

[Yukari] “We're going to have lunch soon, you will take Izuru's place and go with Reimu”

[Ran] “Understood!”

[Izuru] “I have to admit that I didn't expect this to happen, my lady” “However, I have a name for it now”

[Yukari] “Do you?”

[Izuru] “'Sword of Illusion'”

[Yukari] “I like that name”

[Izuru] “That being said, I don't want to be its only wielder”

[Yukari] “What do you mean by that?”

[Izuru] “That nobody else other than us, that is, Ran, Chen, you and myself, shall use it, my lady”

[Yukari] “An interesting idea of yours”

[Izuru] “As for Ayane and Madoka, well, they're swords themselves” “For them it would be pointless”

[Yukari] “That will just do”

I wonder why Lady Yukari just accepted the name I proposed, instead of having a problem with it, I stayed to wait for lunch with my lady Looks like she fell asleep from boredom, though I had to wake her up when Reimu arrived to look for us

[Izuru] “My lady, please wake up”

[Yukari] ”(yawn)”

[Reimu] “Lunch is ready, and you're already sleeping...?”

[Yukari] “What can I do, I was just bored.” “Izuru, we should go in, don't you think?”

[Izuru] “Sounds good, my lady”

It turns out that for today, we had ramen for lunch, and Chen was sleeping (I don't know how) among Ran's nine tails After that, we decided to just spend the afternoon at the shrine, with practically nothing to do

For my part, I lay down to sunbathe on the roof, while the others did whatever they wanted.


A few hours later...

[Izuru] “What a thing, I ended up falling asleep” “It was worth it though”

[Yukari] “Izuru, we must go home, as planned.” “Goodbye, Reimu”

[Ran] “Please wait, Lady Yukari”

[Yukari] “There you are”

Immediately after saying goodbye to Reimu, we all returned home with Lady Yukari.

[Yukari] “Ran, wake up Chen” “Izuru, the sword”

[Izuru] “Sure thing, my lady”

[Chen] ”(yawns)” “What is it, Lady Ran?”

[Ran] “It is an order from Lady Yukari”

[Yukari] “Are you ready?”

[Izuru] “Yes, my lady!”

[Ran] “I'm ready!”

[Chen] “Oh.. yes!”

Suddenly we all emanate an aura of our respective color (purple, indigo, orange and white)

[Everyone holding the sword] “Yakumo Family – Illusionary Sword!”

To that effect, the sword engraved its own name as all of us were holding it upon itself The process was relatively quick, even though Chen was not very happy with it, so to speak. As soon as it was over, our auras faded and we returned to normal.

[Izuru] “What now...?”

[Yukari] “It depends on what you're going to do with the sword now...”

Later, we decided to end the day as we always do since I arrived. Without even knowing it, a new era has begun for Gensokyo.


The Age of Eternal Devotion