Episode 27

The arrival of the new full moon in Gensokyo

Some time has passed since my rebirth in the shrine, although nothing special is happening today right now. However, I decided to do housework with my tsukumogami, while Lady Yukari, Ran and Chen are away.

[Ayane] “What a way to be bored, my lord.”

[Madoka] “Likewise”

[Izuru] “Well, someone has to take care of the house we live in, right?” “That's our job”

[Madoka] “Luckily we have the rest of the day to do whatever we want.”

[Ayane] “On second thought, we could go outside, right?”

[Izuru] “It's okay, I'll stay in here” “Oh, I almost forgot, the Hakurei shrine maiden hasn't met you yet.” “No one else knows you apart from the people of the netherworld, and obviously Lady Yukari and the others”

[Ayane] “I want to go meet her”

[Madoka] “She won't be angry if she finds out?”

[Izuru] “A part of me thinks the same as Madoka” “Something tells me the balance is at risk again” “Although, that started when I arrived here in the first place” “However, since I met Reimu that time, she had no intention of getting me out of the way, because I work for Lady Yukari after all.”

[Ayane] “My lord, it seems that Lady Yukari is outside”

[Izuru] “Is she already here?” “Let's go outside then”

A few moments later...

[Izuru] “Welcome back, Lady Yukari!”

[Yukari] “Oh, hello” “The day went by pretty quickly today”

[Ayane] “Oh, Lady Yukari!” “Can we tell you something?”

[Yukari] “Very well”

[Ayane] “Can we go to Hakurei Shrine tonight together?”

[Madoka] “And also meet the shrine maiden?”

[Yukari] “Huh, wow” “Coincidentally I just came from there” “But she still doesn't know anything about you” “I wouldn't see why not, besides, today the full moon is coming”

[Ayane] “Thank you very much, Lady Yukari!”

[Izuru] “I see their cheerful faces, my lady.” “By the way, do you know where Ran is?”

[Yukari] “Doing the usual, why?”

[Izuru] “Oh, nothing in particular, my lady”

[Yukari] “Maybe we'll meet her and Chen on the way to the shrine”

[Izuru] “Sounds good, my lady”

It's seven in the afternoon, and it's getting dark The sun sets, and the moon appears I am sitting next to Lady Yukari, looking at the tsukumogami, and contemplating the dusk. Sometimes I think about visiting other places in Gensokyo in my free time, although this sounds too out of context


Ah well, it's late enough to go to the shrine.

[Yukari] “Are you three going to Hakurei Shrine?”

[Izuru] “I have forgotten” “Yes, let's go there, my lady”

Each went inside their own gap, all created by Lady Yukari, straight to the shrine. Little did Ran know about this happening, we instantly emerged from the gaps right near her.

[Ran] “Lady Yukari, Izuru, it's you!” “You scared me”

[Izuru] “Hello again, Ran” “The girls wanted to go to the Hakurei Shrine”

[Ran] “What do you mean?”

[Ayane and Madoka] “Behind you!”

[Ran] “Waaah!” “Not again!”

[Yukari] ”(laughs)” “You look silly, Ran” “Don't you want to go with us?”

[Ran] ”(sigh)” “Alright”

[Chen] “Lady Ran!”

[Ran] ”(falls)”

[Izuru] “(joins his mistress's laughter)” “There are no two without tree”

[Yukari] ”(regains her composure)” “It's enough!”

We got out of hand laughing at Ran, a little later we arrived at the shrine.

[Reimu] “Yukari, are you back so soon?”

[Yukari] “But this time I'm not alone”

[Reimu] “Oh, I see” “Welcome back, Izuru, Ran and Chen!” “Somehow I can't explain my sudden change of mood”

[Izuru] “Greetings, Reimu” “But you're forgetting someone else” “Tsukumogami, reveal yourselves!”

[Ayane] ”(releases a blast of light)”

[Madoka] ”(causes a short-lasted tremor)”

[Reimu] “What's going on?”

[Izuru] “Reimu, they are the spirits possessing my swords, Ayane and Madoka” “Ayane and Madoka, she's the current Hakurei shrine maiden, Reimu Hakurei”

[Ayane] “Greetings!”

[Madoka] “Hi!”

[Reimu] “I figured they were, having seen how you summoned them” ”(sigh)” “There goes my good mood” “Hi, you two”

[Izuru] “My apologies, Reimu”

[Marisa] “Whoa, whoa, what happened?” “Wow, Yukari and the others, huh?” “But who are the other two?”

[Izuru] “Greetings, Marisa” “Where did your manners go?”

[Marisa] “Izuru, it's been so long!”

[Izuru] “I know, right”

[Reimu] “These two are tsukumogami, Marisa” “Both coming from Izuru's swords”

[Ayane] “That's right”

[Madoka] “In any case, pleased to meet you”

[Yukari] “If I tell you how they appeared you would be surprised”

[Reimu] “Those swords were never ordinary in the first place?”

[Yukari] “That's one way to put it” “Certainly my servant can explain it better”

[Izuru] “That's right” “It happened during my visit to Hakugyokurou” “In particular, when I was sparring with Youmu”

[Reimu] “You did what?”

[Izuru] “Just like I said” “They appeared as soon as I felt Lady Yukari's presence.”

[Yukari] “Reimu, I'm surprised you don't remember where those swords come from.”

[Reimu] “Actually no, I didn't pay attention” “But I do remember the silver knife, was there something special about that?”

[Yukari] “The same knife turned a century old that night” “It was only a matter of time”

[Reimu] “That's surprising”

[Yukari] “That aside, we didn't come here for nothing”

[Izuru] “It's the full moon...” “Isn't it beautiful, my lady?”

[Yukari] “That's right, indeed”

[Izuru] “It is as much as you are” “Forgive me if that sounded out of place, my lady.”

[Yukari] “It wasn't necessary, Izuru...” “You flatter me when I least expect it”

[Izuru] “Ran, is something wrong?”

[Ran] “I don't know, I'm a little tired”

[Izuru] “Too bad we are not in the right season” “Anyway, should we go inside?”

[Reimu] “I suppose so”

Lady Yukari did her thing, that being, bringing bottles of sake from who knows where Neither of Marisa and Reimu were naturally surprised by that, of course.

Meanwhile, who wouldn't get hungry after working during the day? That is the case of Ran and the others, including me.

[Marisa] “Oh boy!” “I'll be helping myself!”

[Izuru] “Quite the work day today” “I'll do the same”

[Ayane] “Madoka and I, too!”

[Madoka] ”(nods)”

[Ran] “Don't forget about me!”

[Yukari] “For an out of season celebration, this doesn't sound so bad”

[Reimu] “If you say so, Yukari”

Who would say that one could live only drinking alcohol from time to time, no? I poured myself another round of sake and then continued until exhaustion. The tsukumogami were able to hold it for longer, but they also got tired.

Lady Yukari on the other hand is visibly drunk

[Izuru] “Geez, I won't be waking up well tomorrow”

[Reimu] “You better take a day off” “It's not like you do anything else over there, right?”

[Izuru] “At least I am not lazy, Reimu”

[Marisa] “Hahaha, take that!”

I'm hungry so I thought I could make food by myself.

[Izuru] “Reimu, do you mind me being on the kitchen?”

[Reimu] “Eh okay” “I wasn't going to do anything anyway”

Some time later, I went for something different, for a change of pace. Making omelettes was what I had in mind for today


Well, I'm done, I've got to serve now

[Izuru] “The meal's ready!”

[Reimu] “Whoa, already?” “What did you do?”

[Izuru] “Omelettes” “And there are enough for everyone”

[Marisa] “That looks tasty!”

[Ran] “You surprise me yet again, Izuru”

[Izuru] “I don't feel it would be right for a Yakumo to not be able to cook” “In my opinion, at least”

[Yukari] “It's delicious!”

[Ayane] “My lord doesn't disappoint anyone”

[Madoka] “It's pleasant”

[Chen] “I like this”

What a way to celebrate this event, I never expected this result. Could it be that happiness really is being with the ones you want? I may never find the answer, but I don't care. Gensokyo gave me everything, and naturally, I give it back.

To be continued.