Does anyone believe in Gensokyo? (幻想郷を信じる人はいますか)

Second part of 'Nobody dreams of Gensokyo'. It describes the events of that former human now youkai, more than a year after his appearance in Gensokyo

Living in the land of llusion

It's been more than a year since I've been living here in this region. Even though I can remember everything now, I still remain faithful to my promise as on the first day.

Lady Yukari has me wandering all over the place, even though she herself decided that she had to stand guard at the Hakurei Shrine. Meanwhile, the tsukumogami Ayane and Madoka remain the same as ever.

I finally got my skill fully mastered, albeit with some side effects. One of them being 'manipulation of life', which is in essence the opposite of 'manipulation of death', but I don't know how it works...


Right now I'm at the Hakurei Shrine, helping Reimu with cleaning the place. Or rather, doing it on my own, while she's drinking tea...

[Reimu] “Always working, I think you need a break”

[Izuru] “That's not up to me, besides, I'm bored anyway.” “No wonder Miss Kasen is always mad at you.”

[Reimu] “You just have to remind me of that... (sigh)”

[Izuru] “Looks like someone is coming to visit us” “Over there, Reimu”

Reimu and I have no idea why she wanted to come, so I preferred to stay quiet. I only know her by name, Lady Yukari told me about her some time ago, but that was all I knew, until now.

[Reimu] “Is something wrong, Kosuzu?”

[Kosuzu] “Who is he?”

[Reimu] “Oh, him?” “He works for Yukari”

[Izuru] “Sorry for my interruption, my name is Izuru Yakumo” “My master told me about you, Miss Kosuzu” “It's a pleasure to meet you”

[Kosuzu] “How weird...” “I didn't come for that” “It's about Miss Akyuu”

[Reimu] “What's up with her?” “Oh, I remember now.....”

[Reimu] “Isn't she the one who works at Suzunaan?” “But why?” [Kosuzu] “It worries me a lot, I wouldn't get used to not seeing her.” “I wish I could do anything about it”

[Izuru] “Miss Kosuzu, you could ask Dr. Yagokoro at Eientei” “I have a feeling that the alternative would end up just like that fortune-teller...”

[Reimu] “Weren't it for Yukari you'd have been gone by now, Izuru”

[Izuru] “I have to correct you, i'd have been dead if she didn't take me in over a year ago”

I quickly jumped towards the shrine gate and tried to call Lady Yukari from there. Luckily for me, she was awake and appeared behind me a while later.

[Izuru] “Good morning” “Excuse me for bothering you, my lady.” “Miss Kosuzu Motoori is with Reimu right now, and she's worried about Miss Akyuu.”

[Yukari] “What are you waiting for, let's go there”

Some time later...

[Reimu] “Oh, it's Yukari”

[Yukari] “Izuru called and I thought I could come” “Kosuzu, do you need anything in particular?”

[Kosuzu] “Can you take me to Eientei?” “I want to talk to Dr. Yagokoro”

[Yukari] “Izuru can take you there, he knows that place.”

[Kosuzu] “If you say so...”

[Izuru] “No problem, as long as Miss Kosuzu cooperates.”

[Kosuzu] “Very well”

I took Miss Kosuzu to Eientei as Lady Yukari ordered me to. Despite her distrust of me, which is natural considering that she comes from the village The question is, what can be done for Miss Akyuu?