Episode 25

Swordsmanship lessons with Youmu ~ Netherworld Arc

Before starting, Youmu wanted to ask me what the origin of my two katanas is, however, when I told her, she simply couldn't believe it, so she insisted with the same question.

[Youmu] “I can't believe it” “Are you serious about what you said?”

[Izuru] “When I became who I am now, I didn't know what happened to that silver knife either” “I never knew my transformation would affect it too.”

[Youmu] “And to think that my Roukanken was forged by youkai, but this is beyond me” “But you never used either of them?”

[Izuru] “Apart from not knowing how to use them, I also had no use for them” “That's why Lady Yukari recommended me to you”

[Youmu] “Your desire to find out is as strong as mine” “Can you draw one of your katanas, then?”

[Izuru] “Understood”

I did as she told me, I for one did not expect anything out the ordinary to happen. To our surprise, the katana emitted a glow that illuminated all of Hakugyokurou and then instantly went out. But this was just the beginning.

[Youmu] “Whoa” “Roukanken, unwind!” “You should have an advantage considering that you can fly.”

[Izuru] “Shall we start?”

[Youmu] “On guard!”

[Izuru] “Angelical wings, materialize!”

First round, Youmu went on the offensive, I went on the defensive; without even realizing it I was blocking all the impacts from Youmu's Rounkanken, ending up in a stalemate, after a while.

[Youmu] “I didn't see it coming at all” “Your katana has a life of its own” “Although you did well, it being your first time”

[Izuru] “...A youkai katana?” “Now I want to know what my second katana is”

[Youmu] “It would be more of a tsukumogami, but is one of a kind” “Let me explain, tsukumogami are youkai that originate from any object”

[Izuru] “I knew that these are not ordinary katanas, but now knowing this leaves me even more perplexed” “That said, I'll sheathe this katana for now.” “Let's see my second katana, don't you think, Youmu?”

[Youmu] “I don't see why not, come on!”

After sheathing the first katana, I unsheathed the second, now knowing what happened to the first, I expected some result from this one... Both katanas have the same length, more or less 70 centimeters in length in total. Compared to the first, this katana, although while it did not shine, caused a slight tremor on the ground instead.

[Youmu] “I do not know what to say anymore...” “Are you ready for a second round?”

[Izuru] “Alright, I'm ready”

Second round, this time we both went both offensive and defensive; but this time I was pretty close, however, I got careless, Youmu recovered, and she beat me I got too confident, I shouldn't underestimate my teacher after all.

[Izuru] “That was awesome, Youmu” “I must admit that Lady Yukari was right here”

[Youmu] “If it had been a regular katana it would already be destroyed”

[Izuru] “What a shame I can't stay here longer”

I sheathed my second katana back; Meanwhile I was about to leave, until Yuyuko appeared I feel like Lady Yukari must be around, after all what are friends for, huh?

[Yuyuko] “Youmu and Izuru, would you like to come inside?”

[Youmu] “Immediately, Lady Yuyuko!”

[Izuru] “It's okay, Ms. Yuyuko”

The two of us went to the Hakugyokurou palace's door, which has an incredibly long staircase to even walk on. It wouldn't be a problem for me to get in, but I didn't want to leave Youmu alone, so I offered her my hand. So hand in hand, we went straight to the door.

[Youmu] “Thank you very much, Izuru” “You're a gentleman”

[Izuru] “You are welcome, shall we enter?”

[Youmu] “OK”

We reached Ms. Yuyuko, who was talking to none other than Lady Yukari herself.

[Izuru] “Greetings, my lady”

[Yukari] “Greetings, Izuru” “Yuyuko told me that you were sparring with Youmu, right?”

[Izuru] “Indeed, my lady”

[Youmu] “Greetings, Ms. Yukari” “That's right, we discovered that Izuru's swords are extraordinary, so to speak” “I think they are tsukumogami, because they seem to have a life and/or will of their own.”

[Yukari] “But Izuru is too young...” “Although it may not seem like it, Youmu, Izuru has only recently become a youkai.” “I'm excited that you're growing, Izuru”

[Izuru] “It is an honor, my lady”

Suddenly, I felt something completely out of the ordinary (for me, at least); my two katanas reacted to Lady Yukari's presence, and we all got scared.


I decided to draw the two katanas immediately and left them on the floor; Instantly, both of them emitted a blinding glow. It was exactly as Youmu said, shortly after the glow, two girls, each carrying their corresponding katana appeared kneeling in front of Lady Yukari.

The two girls were practically wearing a dress similar to Lady Yukari's, I don't know why. Their height also appear to be twice the length of the two katanas, like Youmu. Additionally, both appear to be teenagers of at least 15 years of age.

[???] “Greetings, Lady Yukari” “Greetings, my lord”

[Izuru] “And you are?”

[???] “Your two katanas, or rather, living manifestations of them, my lord” “Neither of us have a name” “When you felt Lady Yukari's presence, we began reacting too”

[Yukari] “Izuru, do you have a name for them?”

[Izuru] “Unfortunately, I have no idea, my lady” “However, can you do the honors, please?”

[Yukari] “It's okay, if you can't do it, I will” “You two! The katanas of my servant, Izuru!”

[???] “Yes, Lady Yukari!”

[Yukari] “Your names will be: Ayane to the first, and Madoka to the second” “You are going to live with us in our house, with Ran and Chen”

[Ayane and Madoka] “Thank you very much, Lady Yukari!” “My lord, does that mean we are going to live with you?”

[Izuru] “Just as you have been doing until now, Ayane and Madoka” “Please, can you return to your original shapes?”

[Ayane and Madoka] “Yes, my lord!”

Although they are both tsukumogami, they can alternate between their humanoid form and their original form, which makes them different from everyone else. Neither of them has the last name Yakumo, in the same way as Chen; Who knows, maybe I'll end up refining my shikigami mode in a way that affects them too. Ayane and Madoka returned to their original forms, and I sheathed them back.

[Yuyuko] “Youmu, can you make tea for the four of us?”

[Youmu] “Right away, Lady Yuyuko!”

[Yuyuko] “You can sit if you want, Izuru”

[Izuru] “Alright, Ms. Yuyuko” “I am indebted to you, my lady”

[Yukari] “It's okay, no need, Izuru” “None of us saw it coming, I can assure you.”

[Youmu] “Everyone, the tea is ready!” “Izuru, Ms. Yukari, Lady Yuyuko”

[Izuru] “Thanks, Youmu”

[Yuyuko] “Thank you”

[Yukari] “Thank you Youmu”

Meanwhile after Youmu made the tea, the four of us drank almost as if nothing had happened, despite our initial confusion. I lost track of time during my stay in Hakugyokurou, but eventually I got used to it and let it go. Also, I think this is the fifth place I visited so far (Hakurei Shrine, Garden of the Sun, Kourindou, Hieda Mansion, Hakugyokurou)

[Yukari] “I'm going to go home, in the meantime, Izuru, you can come back whenever you want.” “See you later, Yuyuko and Youmu”

[Yuyuko] “Goodbye, Yukari”

[Youmu] “See you again, Ms. Yukari!”

[Izuru] “Understood, my lady, I will see you later”

Lady Yukari returned home as she always would do, with a gap.

[Izuru] “Youmu, would you mind a third round?”

[Youmu] “Eh? No, thanks. Maybe next time”

[Izuru] “Oh, okay”

[Yuyuko] “Izuru, you must be careful with them” “I don't think you want them to hate you”

[Izuru] “It is the responsibility that I now have to assume” “Ms. Yuyuko and Youmu, I need to go home, see you again”

[Yuyuko] “See you, Izuru” “It was a pleasure to meet you”

[Youmu] “See you next!”

I left Hakugyokurou, and took a direct flight home. Being here was fun to tell the truth, I would like to come again

To be continued