Episode 21

Visiting the Hieda mansion ~ Gensokyo Chronicle Arc

It's been three months or so since I've been living with the Yakumo family. And it wasn't long after that that I acquired a new skill, which still doesn't have a name. I still train with Ran and her shikigami in my free time, as usual.

Naturally, Lady Yukari called me again, I wonder what it was for...

[Yukari] “Since you've been here for a while, I thought you could go to the Hieda mansion, where Akyuu lives, to introduce yourself.” “I was probably going to go there anyway, so we could go together, don't you think?”

[Izuru] “I don't see why not, my lady” “I'm going to save the questions for later.”

[Yukari] “Ran has already gone to the Gensokyo border, Chen is probably in Mayohiga right now” “So, shall we go?”

And so in the blink of an eye, Lady Yukari and I arrived at the entrance of the Hieda mansion. Or rather, inside the mansion

[Izuru] “We are already here?”

[Yukari] “That's right, Izuru” “Akyuu must be around here”

The butler of the mansion found us and decided to ask us what we were doing here.

[Izuru] “Good morning”

[Yukari] “Good morning, is Akyuu here?”

[Hieda mansion's butler] “Oh, do you have any business with Miss Akyuu?” “In that case, follow me”

The butler guided us to Akyuu's location and then left.

[Akyuu] “Oh, it's Yukari” “Good morning” “And you?”

[Izuru] “My name is Izuru, I work for Lady Yukari”

[Yukari] “Izuru, she is the author of the Gensokyo Chronicle, Hieda no Akyuu”

[Izuru] “Nice to meet you, Miss Akyuu”

[Akyuu] “Likewise, Izuru” “Miss Yukari, I never saw him here”

[Yukari] “He has been living with us for three months now.” “He can sometimes be found at the Hakurei Shrine”

[Akyuu] “Knowing that, you want me to write about him, Miss Yukari?”

[Yukari] “Indeed, Akyuu” “Izuru, can you stay here for a moment?” “I'll be outside, in the yard”

[Izuru] “Yes, my lady!”

Lady Yukari went outside as she only knows how, and left me with Akyuu.

[Akyuu] “You really look like a pretty young youkai.”

[Izuru] “I wasn't always one, though”

[Akyuu] “What do you mean?”

[Izuru] “Although it may not seem like it, I used to be an ordinary human being...” “On the day I arrived, three months ago”

[Akyuu] “Interesting” “What made you live with them?”

[Izuru] “From being practically lifeless... until being rescued by Ran” “Fortunately, Lady Yukari didn't take it the wrong way”

[Akyuu] “Miss Yukari was very generous to you, wasn't she?” “But how did you become a youkai?”

[Izuru] “How strange, I thought you had found out” “In short, it was a plan that I organized with Lady Yukari, which I executed at the Hakurei Shrine.” “When that was over, I swore to Lady Yukari that I would serve her forever.”

[Akyuu] “So, for you, being a shikigami is an occupation?”

[Izuru] “To put it that way, yeah” “That doesn't stop me from behaving like one at all times.”

[Akyuu] ”...” “While we were talking I was writing a new entry for the chronicle, do you want to see it?”

[Izuru] “With your permission, Miss Akyuu”

Youkai with a fervent devotion
Izuru Yakumo
Ability: Unknown
Threat level: Unknown
Human friendship level: Unknown
Main place of activity: Yakumo Residence
Nothing is known about this youkai yet,
what is known is that he was an ordinary
human being who had been rescued by Ran
who is Yukari Yakumo's kitsune shikigami
about three months ago.
Since then, he has been working for the
Yakumo family.
His appearance is that of a young man of
around 20 years old, with violet eyes and
completely black spiky hair.

[Akyuu] “This is still an incomplete description, but if you want, you can take it without any problem to correct it if you wish, and when it is finished, you can return it to me for inclusion in the chronicle.” “It's not urgent so take your time”

[Izuru] “Oh, thanks” “As soon as I can I will bring it back”

I decided to put the incomplete article inside my pocket, however, Lady Yukari returned

[Yukari] “I heard Akyuu has written something about you, can I see it?”

[Izuru] “No problem”

[Yukari] “...” “Akyuu, this doesn't look bad at all” “It's settled then.” “Izuru, take this back”

[Akyuu] “My pleasure, Miss Yukari” “Since I know very little about him, that's why I gave it to him”

[Yukari] “Okay, now we'll go back home” “See you, Akyuu”

[Izuru] “See you, Miss Akyuu!”

We said goodbye to Akyuu and together with Lady Yukari, I returned home It seems that now I have a task to do, at least I can entertain myself with this

To be continued